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Commission Discusses ATVs


During the regular county commission meeting on Aug. 5, a public hearing was held to discuss and gather residents comments about temporary ATV use on county roads near Ferron and Emery during the upcoming Arapeen ATV Jamboree. Commissioner Drew Sitterud opened the public hearing with an explanation of the proposal. He explained that there is currently a committee in place considering opening county roads on a permanent basis. That committee has not yet made any final decisions. This public hearing is to discuss temporary use of certain county roads surrounding Ferron and Emery.
Roads being considered for the temporary designation are: 723-Millsite; 701-Ferron Canyon from Millsite State Park to Ferron City boundary; 611-Molen, from Ferron City boundary to intersection with 612-Clawson/Molen; 612 from intersection with 611 to intersection with 705-Dutch Flat; and 705-Dutch Flat from intersection with 612 for approximately 2.5 miles to the “ball field.” In the Emery area: 904-Emery, old state; 928-Cove Spur; 901-Coller/Peacock, those portions which are part of the old state highway; 806-Muddy Creek from SR-10 approxiamately 3.7 miles to the “Hole Trail”; 911-Lynx Canyon; 905; also that portion of “D” road, formerly the old state highway, that is located between Emery City boundary and county road 928.
The Southeast Utah Off Highway Vehicle Club is sponsoring and ATV jamboree in the county on Aug. 13-16. Riders who will be attending this jamboree will need to access forest service and BLM roads across county roads. These rides leave from Ferron and Emery and return to that city during the day’s ride.
During the four days, there will be a separate ride each day. The commissioners are considering granting temporary permission to open the roads in question for this four day time span only, to accommodate the ATV riders.
Mark H. Williams, from SEUOHVC, requested that the Ferron Canyon road in question be extended from Millsite Reservoir to the forest service boundary.
The commissioners then gave the public an opportunity to comment on the resolution granting temporary permission. When the floor was opened to comment, no comment was heard on either side of the issue. Commissioners then closed the hearing and went back into regular commission meeting. They voted unanimously to open those county roads for the jamboree.

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