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Women in Business: Forbidden Fruit


"Darcey Powell receives an award for one of Utah's outstanding businesses of the year."

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Lifetime Emery County resident, Darcey Powell is an elementary school teacher who created a confectionery business called “The Forbidden Fruit.” She specializes in gourmet caramel apples, along with a myriad of chocolate and caramel delicacies including delicious fudge, made locally in her “Sweet Shoppe” located at 100 West Main Street in Cleveland.
The oldest of seven children, Darcey was born in Connell, Washington and raised in Cleveland. Her parents are Glen and Colleen Hansen. She is married to Gregg Powell from Price. They have six children. She graduated from Emery High School in 1972 and after raising her family she earned a bachelor’s degree from USU. She taught third grade at Sally Mauro Elementary in Helper and now spends her time building her business and spending quality time with her 12 grandchildren.
Since first introducing her caramel apples at the Emery County Fair in 2002, she has traveled to numerous fairs and festivals all over the state. Several local merchants carry some of her sweets: BK’s, Hometown, Food Ranch, and Main Street Express, and of course The Sweet Shoppe in Cleveland and Fresh Market in Price as well as other Associated Food Stores from Logan to St. George in addition to Western Nut Company and Thanksgiving Point.
Darcey was honored when The Forbidden Fruit was recently chosen by the SBDC as one of Utah’s outstanding businesses of the year. Her award was presented during Rural Utah Legislative Day by Utah’s Lieutenant Governor Bell at a banquet in the State Capitol Rotunda.
The Sweet Shoppe is open Tuesday through Thursday each week from noon to five p.m. with extended hours on holidays. The Forbidden Fruit website is www.caramelapplesandmore.com
Followers of The Forbidden Fruit on Facebook will find contests for free baskets of goodies, and dates of events where she will have a booth and patrons can sample her products. Darcey can be reached at 435-749-2447. She will be happy to wrap up a sweet gift in a hurry or customize your order and ship it anywhere in the continental USA.

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