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Crystal Terry

Steve Brown

Dr. and Mrs. Kelly D. Terry announce the marriage of their daughter Crystal Dawn to Steven Evans Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brown. They will be married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple on April 24.
A reception will be held in their honor on April 25 from 6-8 p.m. at the Seventh and Eighth Ward building in Price.
After a summer job in Chicago, the couple will make their home in Provo, where they are both attending Brigham Young University.

Melissa Callahan

Eric Staley

Mark and Peggy Callahan announce the marriage of their daughter, Melissa Callahan to Eric Staley, son of Victor and Joyce Staley. The couple will be married in the Manti Temple on April 26. A reception will be held that night in the Helper LDS Stake center.
Melissa is a 2001 graduate of Carbon High School and is currently enrolled at the College of Eastern Utah. Eric is a 1998 graduate of Emery High School and served a LDS mission in Dallas Texas Mission. He is currently enrolled at CEU. After completing their studies at CEU they will continue their education at Utah State University in Logan.

Rachelle Kay Funcannon

Tarence Dittrick

Mark and Lori Fenner of Grand Junction, Colo. and Dave Funcannon of Price announce the marriage of their daughter Rachelle Kay Funcannon to Tarence Dittrick son of Jim and Diane Dittrick of Grand Junction.
The couple will be married on April 26 at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev. A reception is planned for May 10 at the home of the grooms parents.
The couple will make their home in Grand Junction, where Rachelle is employed at the Bank of Colorado and Tarence is employed at the Glass Brokerage.

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