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County gives out employee service awards


"Back row: Commissioner Ethan Migliori, Joel Jensen, Larry Newman, David Blackwell, Commissioner Jeff Horrocks, Commissioner James Nelson, Brenda Tuttle, Sharon Boyle, Ray Petersen, Front: Travis Winn, Teresa Manzanares, Kristin Robinson, Margaret Keller, Tina Carter and Dixie Swasey."

By By

During the first commission meeting of the year, the service awards for 2012 were given out. Five year recognitions went to Jeff Horrocks, Kristin Robertson, Margaret Keller, Cheri Packer, Tina Carter, Russell Swasey, Jared Robinson. A 10 year award went to Jeff Newland. Fifteen year awards went to John Barnett, Brenda Tuttle, Sharon Boyle, Travis Winn, Terry Seager; 20 year award to David Blackwell; 25 year awards to Ray Petersen and Teresa Manzanares. Thirty year awards went to Dixie Swasey, Larry Newman and Joel Jensen.
Jared Robinson , Larry Newman, Travis Winn, Russell Swasey, Terry Seager and Joel Jensen work at the Road Department. John Barnett and Jeff Newland from the sheriff’s office; Cheri Packer – Library, Dixie Swasey, Sharon Boyle – Recorders office; Teresa Manzanares, Dave Blackwell – Attorneys office; Margaret Keller – Museum; Tina Carter – Travel Bureau; Kristin Robertson – Justice Court/Green River; Brenda Tuttle – Clerk/Auditor; Ray Petersen – Public Lands and Jeff Horrocks county commission.

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