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School district reflections on Sandy Hook

By KIRK L. SITTERUD Superintendent

Reflections on the school shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut and thoughts, plans, and procedures for making students safe in our own schools.
As a school district we take time to recognize and mourn with the families of the victims of the events surrounding the school shootings recently in Connecticut. All of us who work in education have broken hearts and are haunted by the tragedy affecting the lives of the educators, students, and families of the Newtown Public School District and Sandy Hook Elementary School.
It hits all of us hard when we think of the loss of innocence that took place along with the tremendous sense of loss those families feel at this time. It is also hard to imagine the possibility that something like this could happen anywhere at any time.
Whenever a school experiences life-taking violence, which is targeted toward defenseless children and those who care for them each day, we have a difficult time trying to find words to express our feelings and to explain how this could happen anywhere in a civilized nation. We must never forget them.
At times like this we always reflect on our own schools and what we can do to make sure that the same thing does not happen here. While there are many who offer solutions such as gun-control, metal detectors, locked-door school policies, identification and treatment of the mentally ill, police officers in school, etc., the fact is that no single approach or prevention method can guarantee that senseless violence against our school children will stop. The fact is that, while we never forget or push aside the ugliness and tragedy that is being felt by the families and communities affected by school shootings over the years, most recently by the families of 20 first-graders and six adults that were senselessly gunned down in a small town’s elementary school, schools are still among the safest places for children and adolescents in our country.
National statistics show that school violence has been on the decline for more than a decade, thanks in part to the planning and coordinated efforts of schools, communities, law enforcement and parents. However, any school tragedy is one too many. We also need to remember that, from accounts from Sandy Hook, the school’s heroic principal and her staff had safety measures in place and had practiced their emergency procedures. As a result, children’s lives were saved and an even greater tragedy was averted.
Not all tragedies can be prevented, but we as school leaders, parents, students, and communities need to be ready to handle school crisis situations to keep our children safe and out of harm’s way. Our schools should provide a place where students can come to learn, and where teachers can teach, in an environment free from harm.
No teacher should ever fear to walk into a classroom, and no child should ever stay home from school because he or she is afraid. Too often, however, when tragedies such as those at Sandy Hook Elementary School happen, coupled with the conflicts that many young people face before, during, and after school by way of bullying, teasing, and senseless, sometimes fatal, disputes over clothing and other possessions, school can become a fearful place for some children.
No single program or strategy can effectively meet the needs of all students. Successful school safety plans have to involve a variety of broad-based strategies, policies, and programs that focus on improving the overall quality of the school environment. One thing is certain, students and educators deserve a safe and orderly environment in our District’s schools, where teachers can promote high standards for learning and where all children have the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.
The Emery County School District mourns with the families who lost loved ones at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As the events of that day unfolded, it was clear that school officials had gone above and beyond in taking steps to prevent the very thing that happened to them. We all hope that the same thing does not occur in any of our schools, but we do take time to prepare, plan, practice, be alert – and in the end, pray that our children and teachers never face this kind of tragedy.
The School District invites parents and community members to feel free to offer reasonable suggestions of things the District could do to improve safety measures in our schools. Please feel free to talk with your school principals, submit recommendations on our school district website, or call the District Office.
Emery School District School Emergency Response Plans. Each of the schools in the Emery County School District have in place Emergency Response Plans that address emergency situations. These plans are updated annually to address new staffing, student needs, community concerns, new research and input from the local law enforcement personnel. The Emergency Response Plans are broad in their approach in order to respond to the many situations that could arise. The plans include response to: -General Emergencies Actions: Preparation, general responses, staff responsibilities, school codes or signals, crisis team membership, evacuation routes and relocation sites, lock-down procedures, public information, communication solutions and procedures, canceling school, media response, early warning signs of violent behaviors, violent behavior prevention and intervention. -fire-severe-storm-earth-quake-hazardous materials/chemical spills-weapons in schools-bomb threats-intruder/hostage situations-serious injury/death-suicide attempt-power outage-gas leak-school violence.
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.
Storm-Earthquake-Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spills-Weapons in Schools-Bomb threats-Intruder/Hostage Situations-Serious Injury/Death-Suicide Attempt-Power Outage-Gas Leak-School Violence
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.
Storm-Earthquake-Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spills-Weapons in Schools-Bomb threats-Intruder/Hostage Situations-Serious Injury/Death-Suicide Attempt-Power Outage-Gas Leak-School Violence
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.
Storm-Earthquake-Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spills-Weapons in Schools-Bomb threats-Intruder/Hostage Situations-Serious Injury/Death-Suicide Attempt-Power Outage-Gas Leak-School Violence
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.
storm-earthquake-hazardous materials/chemical spills-weapons in schools-bomb threats-intruder/hostage situations-serious injury/death-suicide attempt-power outage-gas leak-school violence.
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.
Storm-Earthquake-Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spills-Weapons in Schools-Bomb threats-Intruder/Hostage Situations-Serious Injury/Death-Suicide Attempt-Power Outage-Gas Leak-School Violence
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.
Storm-Earthquake-Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spills-Weapons in Schools-Bomb threats-Intruder/Hostage Situations-Serious Injury/Death-Suicide Attempt-Power Outage-Gas Leak-School Violence
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.
Storm-Earthquake-Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spills-Weapons in Schools-Bomb threats-Intruder/Hostage Situations-Serious Injury/Death-Suicide Attempt-Power Outage-Gas Leak-School Violence
Staff Training is held annually during faculty meetings to orient employees to their roles and responsibilities in emergency situations. Drills are conducted for both fire and other emergency situations throughout the year. Schools work with local law enforcement and hold lockdown, intruder, and active shooter drills on a regular basis, being sensitive to the age and maturity of the students. High Schools students assist with drills as active participants to allow for drills using real people to simulate real behaviors. Local EMT personnel and firemen also participate in these drills as appropriate. At least one emergency drill, other than fire drills, is held annually prior to April 30.
School facilities are inspected annually to determine if problems exist which could negatively impact school physical safety and security. Each School includes, as part of its regular curriculum, violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. The School District has contracts with both Public and Mental Health agencies to promote safe and healthy environments and to provide crisis counseling when necessary if crisis events occur. All schools have personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to respond to medical emergencies. Update training is provided annually for these identified personnel.
Each school maintains a Crisis Team to coordinate and direct actions during any school crisis in concert with local emergency and law enforcement agencies.
Each school has in place school codes for evacuation and/or lockdown procedures as well as identified Relocation Centers where students and teachers are to assemble if emergency evacuation is required due to an intruder situation or other situations that would require students and staff to leave the immediate school grounds.
Each school has a Lockdown procedure including:-Code for lockdown and “all clear”-Securing of both outside and inside doors-covering windows-positioning of students in the classroom-following instructions of school administration and/or law enforcement.
The District has an identified Public Information process to effectively control information flow and media access, as well as for providing necessary information to the public and to staff and students. The schools have emergency telephone and Internet communications numbers and addresses for effective notification of emergency situations. The District also uses “Parent-Link” to send out notifications of important information to parents in case there is a need to share emergency directions or information. The School District works closely with the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and our State Risk Management Agency to do risk assessments of every school facility to determine the need for improving safety for students and staff. Policies are in place to address citizenship, civility, drug and alcohol use, student conduct, smoking and tobacco use, dangerous weapons in schools, and student/staff relations. Character education is promoted and taught in every school and schools are assisted by counseling and psychologist services for school-level interventions and in identifying and providing for school violence prevention and intervention strategies.
Background checks are required of all employees and regular volunteers. Playground supervision is provided to ensure student safety. School maps and evacuation routes are updated annually and shared with law enforcement. Surveillance cameras are installed in all secondary schools.
Our schools must be safe havens for all who enter the doors to teach, learn, or provide opportunities for the growth and development of the children of Emery County.
Call the district office at 687-9846 with any input or concerns.

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