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Migliori is newest commissioner


"Brenda Tuttle, clerk/auditor for Emery County swears in the newest member of the Emery County Commission Ethan Migliori on Jan. 7."

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Ethan Migliori was sworn in as the newest Emery County commissioner on Jan. 7 at noon at the county building. One of the things Commissioner Migliori would like to do is find healthy ways to strengthen our economy. There are changing opportunities in energy and Emery County needs to strengthen the industries we have as we look to new technologies for the future.
One example of where technology has really streamlined an industry is with coal mining. Long walls have reduced the numbers of employees needed while producing more coal.
“One area we really need to be conscious of is training and upgrading our businesses and keeping our employees trained. Things are advancing so fast and we need a skilled and educated workforce to keep up. I want to continue to work on that and work with the Business, Expansion and Retention Project to promote our businesses.
“We have a good lifestyle here in Emery County. I want to help our businesses see opportunities to grow and allow their businesses to become what they want them to be. We have a lot of businesses that are happy with where they’re at and that’s great, but there are opportunities out there to grow and expand and we want to help them understand what resources are available. You don’t have to do this on your own. There are organizations to help business owners. The toughest industry to be in is retail. The internet is not going away and we need to support our retail businesses. There aren’t a lot of resources out there for retail. On the tourism side of retail there are resources being allocated there to promote tourism and support industries for visitors to our area. Retail really is in a dog fight in this slow economy. But, that’s where the chamber comes in and the shop local campaign. Our businesses need local support. One area where the Emery County Business Chamber is going to grow and advance this year is by adding a part-time employee. It’s really hard for an all volunteer chamber to move forward, but they’ve done a great job and will continue to strengthen with the addition of an employee. This employee will visit businesses and see what the needs are and how the chamber can help.
“There are new economic opportunities coming to the county, the nuclear power plant in Green River is still in the permitting and site study phase but it looks like it’s going to go through. Other projects are more imminent including a new refinery in Green River that will create approximately 30 jobs. There is a gasification plant going into Huntington which will create 12 jobs.
“We need to support the businesses we have. If each business we currently have felt like they could add an employee then that would create 300-400 more jobs for our county. Even part-time jobs help, everything will help our economy. Our county has a lot of potential, we need to look at what’s it going to take for my business to hire one more person and work towards that. We need some incentives too for hiring new employees. The Division of Workforce Services is looking for funding for employers who want to add employees.
“As far as our public lands go, the Emery County Public Land Management Act is still moving along. A meeting with Rep. Rob Bishop is planned at the energy summit. I think he wants us to move forward with a more cooperative approach with neighboring counties, including Carbon, Uintah, Duchesne and maybe others, that’s yet to be decided. But there is talk that approach is more likely to gain the support of the Senate.
“I believe in multiple use for our public lands. Current users should decide how it’s managed. Not someone in Washington. It should be the cattlemen, recreation users, oil and gas, water users, everyone that has a stake should be involved. We have a good variety of lands here in Emery County. We need healthy agreements for everyone. Our public lands board has done a good job getting everyone involved and every entity has been invited to the table. They’ve done it right, I support this grass roots effort for federal land management within our county.
“I am excited to be a commissioner for Emery County. The county has some fantastic opportunities and also some challenges. By bringing the right resources to the table, we can maintain the lifestyle we like here. Our greatest asset is our people. We have some very talented people here in our county. We have some hidden gems with fantastic skill sets and knowledge. We need to do what we can to bring out the full potential of our people and our county.
“As new things come in, like when the power plants came into the county in the late 70s and early 80s there were some changes and adjustments, but there were benefits to the entire county. There are trade offs with everything. With the power plants came more efficient water storage, the pressurized irrigation systems began to be installed. It created some good things. There are challenges with changes.
“For example if the nuclear power plant comes in it will create a ripple effect, there could be three or four support people in jobs outside the plant. Jobs and industries that would be created to support the power plant. Those jobs would have higher wages and we would receive more property taxes for our county. It would bring new families to our area. The whole area could benefit from it.
“When I’m not working I enjoy the outdoors. The outdoors is where I go to relax. I enjoy most outdoor activities, hunting, ATVs, and snowmobiles. I especially like spending time with my family. During our family trips together I like to spend time one on one with each of the children. I like to travel, but once I’m there I like to relax. I really love Lake Powell and I wish it was in Emery County. I like to fish. I am a really structured person. My wife Heidi and I have five children. We have Tyeray, 16; Aubreyona-13; Angellena-11, Ambria-9 and Acelyn-6,” said Commissioner Migliori.

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