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American Legion Essay Award winners


"Winners of the American Legion essay contest. Not in order: Brynne Urie, Kamron Swasey, Alex Mesler, Alexis Winter, Angeliena Migliori, Kelsey Anderson, McKinlee Shea Wilbanks, Bralin Wilde, Abby Snow, Kamri Chynoweth, Zachary Fauver, Brody Anderson and Kaylee Howes. Not present: Cache Leavitt and Brayden Roberts."

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Jean Twitchell, President of the Women’s Auxiliary of the American Legion District 5 which includes Carbon, Emery, and Grand Counties headquartered in Price, attended an awards ceremony May 16, 2013 at the American Legion Hall in Ferron. This ceremony was to award scholars who had entered the American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Essay Contest from Emery County. The theme of the Essay Contest was “What freedom do I enjoy the most?”
Several scholars entered the contest expressing their thoughts about being an American and the associated freedoms. The Ferron meeting was conducted by the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary Ferron Unit 42. At this meeting 15 student scholars from the third grade classes through ninth grade classes were awarded prizes.
Jo Sansevero President of the American Legion Auxiliary, Ferron Unit 42 announced the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary has sponsored this Americanism Essay Contest and that has gone throughout the United States and this program has been very successful at acquainting students with the freedoms they enjoy. Sansevero said, we were excited to have 115 essays submitted this year from Carbon and Emery County. These were narrowed down to 15 outstanding essays. We are excited about this Americanism program to help students learn of the importance of our country and our freedoms.
Sansevero invited each student to read their essay to the audience. Alex Mesler of Ferron was the third place winner in the third grade and the first to read his essay. He spoke about the freedom to go to school so he could become a scientist someday. He said, “When you get an education you learn how to be patriotic and it prepares me for life and how to become a good citizen.”
The third place winner in the fourth grade was Alexis Winter of Ferron. She said in her essay that everyone in the world should have guns. If the government took our guns away we would not be able to kill animals. Without guns we could starve. She said, this is my opinion.
The third place winner in the fifth grade Angeliena Migliori spoke about the importance of the freedom of religion and speech.
The third place winner in the sixth grade Kelsey Anderson was happy for the freedom to get an education in public schools. Boys and girls in some other countries do not have that freedom, especially girls.
The third place winner in the ninth grade is Cache Leavitt.
The second place winner in the third grade is McKinlee Shea Wilbanks. Wilbanks of Ferron spoke about the dictionary definition of freedom. To her freedom of speech was important. She said, without freedom of speech we could not resolve problems.
Wilbanks was the first place winner in her grade at the District Level and received a plaque of recognition from Jean Twitchell President of The American Legion District 5. Wilbanks will be entered in the state Essay Contest.
The fourth grade second place winner was Bralin Wilde of Ferron. He chose freedom of speech because he likes to express his own opinion. With freedom of speech you can laugh at your best friend.
The second place winner in the fifth grade is Abby Snow. Her essay was about the freedom to vote and to bear arms.
The second place winner in the sixth grade is Kamri Chynoweth. The freedom to vote for where we want to live and whomever you want in a public office. She said, We should all vote.
The winner of second place in the ninth grade is Zachary Fauver of Castle Dale. Freedom is a very important part of the wonderful place we call America. The Bill of Rights comes to mind when trying to explain freedom. People come from other countries for the freedoms we have here.
Fauver is the second winner on the District Level. Twitchell awarded Fauver a plaque for an excellent essay. Fauver will now go on to compete in the State Essay Contest.
Sansevero then announced the first place essay contest winners selected here in Ferron. The first place winner in the third grade is Brody Anderson. He said, I am glad that I was born in the USA. I like the right to bear arms because that makes me feel safe. I will do what I can to protect all the freedoms in America.
The first place winner in the fourth grade is Kaylee Howes. The freedom to have guns and the freedom to vote was important to Howes.
The first place winner in the fifth grade is Brynne Urie. Imagine a world without the freedom of speech. No one would be able to express their opinions. Elections would be difficult without being able to point out differences of opinion or things needing change. When the government controls the news they do not tell the truth. I enjoy the freedom of thought and the freedom of speech. Urie is the third winner from the District Level and received her award from Twitchell. Twitchell said Urie will now go on to the State Essay Contest and compete with boys and girls from all over the state of Utah.
The first place winner in the sixth grade is Kamron Swasey. The freedom of speech is a critical right. It gives us the freedom to communicate our opinions. The freedom of the press is another form of communication and is very important for expressing our views.
The first place winner in the ninth grade is Brayden Roberts of Orangeville.
At the end of this Awards Ceremony Sansevero said, she sometimes worries about our country, but after the things that were stated in these children’s essays, I think we are going to be ok.

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