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Harriet’s World


It’s that time again. Daylight Savings Time. I hate this blasted time change. I don’t know about you but my body doesn’t know wether to sit up, stand up, or turn around. I cannot for the life of me understand why we have to have it.
Oh, I know what the standard reply is, so we can have more daylight at the end of the day. Well, you see, that is what I don’t get. It’s going to be light whether the clocks are turned ahead or not. I don’t care if it is ten o’clock at night and still light outside. I can go to bed in the daylight. Most anybody else can too if they are tired. So what’s the big deal?
I asked about ten people the other day as I came in contact with them how they felt about this time change and 9 out of 10 said they hated it. So why can’t we just keep it the same time and stay up later if we want to or stay out later at night and work if we want too.
One of the people I polled said I obviously didn’t know about the farmers. When I ask what he was talking about he said they like to work from sun up to sun down and squeeze all the daylight out of the day.
Now I think it is safe to say that farmers are a pretty smart lot. I don’t think you need to have a clock to help you see that it is still light outside. As far as getting up earlier in the morning before it becomes light outside, can’t you just set your alarm? Don’t you just do that even in the winter? I’m not a farmer and that’s what I do if I want to get up before the sun. I’ll bet that is what you farmers do too.
See, my big complaint is that my stomach doesn’t know that the time has changed. So my eating habits are all messed up. I’m hungry at really weird times now.
My dog isn’t aware that the time has changed and I have no way to tell her. So when it’s time for me to let her out to go potty, she doesn’t have to go. She looks at me like I am a total idiot. So now we have to change our routine.
I know, I know, change is good, but I want to pick when I decide to change. I don’t want it to be forced on me. I usually take a nap in the day. It isn’t necessarily because I want to. It’s because I have to if I want to stay up with the grownups at night.
Now, my nap time is all messed up. I can’t help but wonder if I am ever going to adjust to this. Every year I feel the same way. I imagine in a couple of weeks everything will be fine. However, this year I am going down protesting all the way. Kicking and screaming.
Another friend of mine suggested that instead of protesting about the war we get a grass roots protest about the time change. I think that is a great idea! I’ll let you know the details after I have had another power nap. So that’s my world. Until next time. ZZZZZzzzzz

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