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Castle Dale City to work on Veterans monument


Castle Dale City met in their March council meeting. Kerry Lake the planning and zoning administrator asked for the approval of the ordinance not to allow storage containers in Castle Dale. There is only one storage container of this type in use right now and that one will be grandfathered in. There are also some in use at a commercial business.
The council approved the hiring of two people to help during the summer months. Tyler Frisbee will be rehired for the summer he was also a worker last year. Ignacio K. Arrien will also be hired to mow.
Castle Dale City has plans for a Veteran’s monument. They will order a granite slab and begin gathering the names of those who are buried in the Castle Dale Cemetery to go on the monument. It will be placed in the roundabout at the cemetery.
The Castle Dale youth council has been reorganized. The council will be sworn in at the April meeting. Kendra Young will be the mayor and Valerie Chynoweth will be the vice-mayor. The council will help with the Easter Egg hunt on April 16.
Valerie Chynoweth requested a donation to help with girl’s state this year. The council will approve a donation next month and find service projects for the girl’s state participants to help them earn some extra money.
Councilman Brad Giles wondered what the procedure is for a demolition. First you go to the city to get a demolition permit, then the property must be inspected for asbestos. All utilities must be shut-off to the site. The property owner pays all fees involved with inspection and permits.
Twice a year the fire department can use properties for fire fighter training.
The council discussed the possibility of water restrictions this year.
They will know more after Councilman Giles attends the Castle Valley Special Service District meeting next week. But, they said to expect water restrictions with possibly two or three days where watering will be allowed. The water is usually turned on around April 15.
Some residents are leaving their garbage cans on the road for too long. These residents will receive a copy of the tidy yard ordinance.
The council approved new firemen Shaun Price and Chris Sanchez. They have passed their 90 day probationary period. There is room for a few more volunteer firemen if any Castle Dale residents are interested.
The burn window has begun and you must print out a permit from the state office of environmental quality. It will run from March 1-May 30. Castle Dale City may cut-off the burning at any time if they determine conditions are too dry to safely burn. The fall burn window is Sept. 15-Nov. 15.
Castle Dale firefighters will participate in training in Huntington and also in Green River.
The flowers for the planters along main street have been ordered.
Councilman Joel Dorsch said councilmember Dixie Thompson asked him to bring up the possibility of holding a Castle Dale clean-up day. Participants would all come out on a specified day and help with cleaning up main street. Local youth groups could participate. The city could have roll-off dumpsters brought in to facilitate the clean-up.
The council will look at some dates for the event.
Castle Dale has a sink hole up 100 North.
The relocation of the Castle Dale sewer lagoons is on the medium term list for the Community Impact Board. It looks like the soonest that could happen would be 2020. In the winter the ponds ice over and that cuts off the oxygen to the ponds. The aerators also quit working in the winter. Now, the ice is off the pond, the aerators are working again, but the smell will be strong again when the ponds turn over. This happens in the spring and in the fall. One of the aerators needs new parts and they have been ordered. Giles said the CVSSD was very busy trying to eliminate the odor from the ponds.
Councilperson Julie Johansen reported they have a number of people who signed up to be CERT trained. There is a training in Price on March 22 that they can register to attend. There is no charge involved.
Weaver said a chairman needs to be elected for the CERT members. Margaret Keller would like to be on the beautification committee.
The fire department needs a new compressor to fill their personal oxygen tanks. There are sometimes grants available from FEMA to equip fire departments with what they need so Nosh Arrien will look into applying for a grant.
Mayor VanWagoner found a compressor for a better price and they will look into getting a new one. They will spend between $7,000-$10,000 to get what they need.
The newly formed Castle Dale economic development committee met with several attending and bringing forth ideas.
The printer in the office has quit working and Councilmember Dorsch will work on getting a new printer set-up for the office for approximately $300. This printer works mainly to print the water bills every other month.
Councilmember Giles said at the CVSSD meeting last month they approved the purchase of new membranes for the water treatment plant. It’s $29,000 per skid and there are eight up there. In the past they have been patching them, but now they are losing capacity and must be changed.
Mayor VanWagoner has been talking to the architects about the new city hall and they will continue to have discussions on square footage and other related matters.
The next council meeting will be on April 10 at 7 p.m.

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