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Emery County Food Bank in need of donations


"Items are needed to stock the food bank shelves."

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The Emery County Food Bank is in need of donations of food items as well as money. They are serving more families and donations are not keeping up with the need.
Some of the food comes from the United States Department of Agriculture. Food drives in the community like the high school and the scouts, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and other groups help raise food. The Utah Food Bank contributes to the food here as well as local stores. The stores donate food that has expired, but still has a shelf life. The food bank also receives day old bread from them which is placed in the freezer. Anyone in need is eligible for a food box. Stewart’s Market has a bin where you can purchase extra food to donate to the food bank. You place your purchases in the box and those donations are sent to the food bank.
The food bank can give out emergency boxes, if a family has an emergency they can come here for help.
The food bank is also in need of personal items like deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, diapers and formula.
The food bank needs canned items of fruits, vegetables, sauces, tuna and meats.
They also have a partnership with the Bishop’s Storehouse and when their items need to be used up they bring them down to the food bank for distribution.
Hours at the food bank are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from noon-4 p.m.
Groups are encouraged to have food drives at this time to help out the food bank.
The mission at the food bank is to help people. One cooking class is held each month on the third Wednesday. Barbra Jones and Christine Jensen from the Extension Office come and offer recipes and ideas for using the commodities.
The Emery County food bank is operated through the Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments. The food bank number is 381-5410.
The food bank also accepts excess garden produce. If your garden is producing more than you can use, remember the food bank will take and distribute these garden items.

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