Canyon View Principal Jim Jones gave the principal’s report at the April school board meeting. He said they have had a good year at Canyon View without any major issues. Two weeks ago they held the Top Cat party and 130 out of 192 students were able to participate. Criteria for going to the party includes grades, citizenship and attendance at school.
“That gives you some idea of the kids we have here at Canyon View. There are junior high issues, but they’ve made a lot of progress this year. Next Wednesday and Thursday will be an accreditation visit to the school. We have been preparing for this by self-assessment surveys. It is a good process to go through. The team will be here to make their recommendations. In our learning strategies class they focus on reading and writing and reading intervention. We have identified 40 students that have been divided into groups and they receive reading instruction from the librarian and other aides. Registration for next year has begun,” said Principal Jones.
A workshop will be held to train the aides to help with the remedial reading classes. The school is adding a STEM class for next year and other classes for the gifted and talented students. SAGE testing will begins soon as well as the track season. On May 14 there will be a band concert, on May 6 is a choir concert and May 20 is the closing program at the school.
Principal Jones reported the numbers of ninth grade students participating in high school sports. This is the first year the ninth grades were moved up to the high school sports and unable to compete at the junior high. Students were involved in three football, three wrestling, four volleyball, three girls basketball, three boys basketball, one boys track, zero-golf, one boys swim, one girls swim, zero cross country-zero girls tennis.
Of the 58 ninth grade students at Canyon View only 16 participated in sports at the high school, some of them, more than one sport.
“I have noticed a real disconnect with the ninth graders. They don’t feel part of the junior high. There’s a whole group of kids being left out. Some of the reason, might be transportation, but the majority are not participating at the high school. The junior high can’t offer the clubs and activities they can at the high school, We only have eight full time teachers here at Canyon View. It’s an issue, we have ninth graders asking, ‘why, can’t we just play sports here.’ We need to sit down and talk about it and come up with ideas to solve it. In my mind, the best solution is to move the ninth grade to the high school,” said Principal Jones.
Superintendent Sitterud said moving the ninth grade to the high school would have an impact on the elementary schools and could result in schools being closed.
The board sees there is a problem and it needs discussion. Board President Laurel Johansen said students need involvement.
Intermural sports was mentioned to involve the ninth graders. Principal Doug Mecham from San Rafael Junior High said they did run intermurals but it usually involves those who are already playing.
Superintendent Sitterud said maybe county recreation could have more programs to involve that age group.
Principal Jones said when the kids move to the high school, they may not try out for the teams, but in ninth grade they should still have some programs available. Maybe the ninth graders who want to, should still be allowed to try out for the junior high teams. Arrangements can be made for these teams which include ninth graders to have some opportunity for competition. At the junior high level 10 or so games for basketball would be good and could include local teams as well as some out of area travel for competition.
Superintendent Sitterud said costs for transportation is an issue with out of the area travel. The issue will be discussed further in the future.
Business Administrator Jared Black said the legislature increased the WPU by 4 percent which will help the budget.
Superintendent Sitterud announced the retirement of June Sherman from the school lunch program, Lorraine Frandsen, resource teacher and Carol Stilson, secretary of Cottonwood Elementary.
Superintendent Sitterud said the district was sent a letter of congratulations for the swim coach Tami Oliverson for winning the boys and girls state championship for swim.
He also said the team spirit at the swim meets is amazing and everyone cheers for all the swimmers even from different schools.
Neal Peacock thanked the board for approving the girls soccer program. He recommends they review and update the coaches salaries for all coaching positions. He thinks there really needs to be a discussion about the ninth grade students. In a teachers concerns survey conducted their major concern was the disconnect with the ninth graders. He requested the teachers be included in any discussions regarding the ninth grade situation in the schools.
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