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Green River Melon Days celebration Friday-Saturday


"Dunham Melons displays the many ribbons they have won over the years for their melons at their stand."


Green River prepares for its annual Melon Days celebration on Sept. 18-19.
On Friday beginning at 9 a.m. is the three man scramble golf tournament at the Green River Golf Course.
At 6 p.m. will be square dancing in the park. The Miss Melon Days queen pageant will be at the Green River High School at 7 p.m.
At 9 p.m. will be Southern Betties and Clint Lee at the park.
Saturday morning begins at 7 a.m. with a breakfast sponsored by the scouts and a 5k run.
At 10 a.m. is the Melon Days parade. A trap shoot will be held along with a three gun shoot at the shooting sports park. A melon eating contest will be at 2 p.m. and a duck race at 3 p.m. A history presentation and book signing will be at the John Wesley Powell River History Museum at 5 p.m. At 6 p.m. will be the Brian Ward Band and the Lost Buffalo in the park. At 8 p.m. comedian Guy Seidel will appear at West Winds truck stop.
At 9 p.m. there will be square dancing in the park. All day Friday and Saturday will be the softball tournament, vendors in the park and free melon from local growers Dunham, Thayne and Vetere Melons.

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