At the November Huntington City Council meeting, Councilperson Julie Jones reminded all of the Huntington City Christmas party that will be held on Thursday Dec. 3 at the Huntington Fire Station beginning with the arrival of Santa at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served starting at 6 p.m. and will consist of either chicken noodle soup or chili. Huntington Elementary students will be on hand to sing Christmas songs.
In other business, the Council adopted Ordinance 10-2015 that states the monuments or markers must be made from either granite or marble and not of any degradable material. It also states that all installations will be handled by professional Monument/Marker companies and all installations must be in accordance with the Cemetery sexton.
The Council also approved Ordinance 11-2015 which renews Rocky Mountain Power’s franchise agreement with the city and will extend forward 25 years. The final language of Ordinance 8-2015 was also adopted. This ordinance deals with changes in approaches to city residences.
The Mayor said, garbage collection fees will be changing with the February bill. Emery County may start to collect a tippage fee on all garbage hauled to the county dump and those costs will be passed on to the users, those of us with garbage cans. The fee has not been set yet but is expected to be somewhere between three dollars and five dollars a garbage can that city residences have.
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