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Emery Town’s Cell Phone Tower



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Thurl Bailey speaks to Crowd

Emery residents will soon have cell phone coverage, Nextel is installing the tower.

Cell phone service will soon be coming to the town of Emery. The service tower has been erected and is awaiting only the wiring and finishing touches before service can begin.
On the morning of Dec. 8 at 7 a.m., workers began to install the tower structure. A crane was brought in and was used to lift the preconstructed sections of the tower into place. The 250 foot structure was up at 2 p.m. that day.
The foundation of the tower was in place and ready for the tower installation. The concrete pad and pillars that support the tower are nine feet deep. The tower installation crew spent the remainder of the week securing and bolting the project. Wiring will begin soon.

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