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Change for Averie


"Ferron Elementary students have a balloon release in honor of Averie Ward who is fighting cancer."


Ferron Elementary fights for cancer victim
Ferron Elementary is uniting to help classmate Kenlee Ward’s younger sister Averie Ward. Kenlee is a kindergarten student at the school. Averie is suffering from cancer. Each Thursday she travels with her parents Brent and Jodie to Salt Lake for a cancer treatment. In her honor each Thursday at the school during October the students are asked to wear pink, or camo, or the special T-shirts that say Averie’s Army.
The school has been thinking of ways to help. They decided they would collect change in a large bottle. As the school meets each goal in collection, Brian Dawes the school principal will cut off his tie.
If the school is successful in filling the bottle, he will end up with a very short tie. Principal Dawes said not just school children of Ferron Elementary are invited to participate. Anyone who wants to drop change or dollars off at the school can do so.
The change bottle will also be on display at the annual Halloween carnival on Oct. 30 from 5-7 p.m.
Averie has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and she has undergone surgery.

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