Documentary on Wilberg Mine Fire
On February 16, the Emery High School Auditorium in Castle Dale, will be the location for the premier of the new documentary Remember Wilberg. Showings will be at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. and all are welcome to attend. This documentary tells the story of the Wilberg Mine Disaster through the stories and experiences of those who were there.
Creators said, “Since this project began in September, 2014, many people have graciously given time and effort to make it happen. Please come and celebrate with us. We are honored to tell this important story, and humbled by the experience of getting to know Emery County and it’s wonderful people.”
The fire, which broke out on December 19, 1984, killed 27 underground coal miners at the Wilberg Mine, and prompted a massive rescue and recovery attempt, with over 30 mine rescue teams from all over the West, before the mine was sealed four days later. Remember Wilberg was produced under a federal grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health by the film school at the University of Texas at Arlington and by Safety Solutions International in Denver. Director Elaine Cullen and Producer Mark Clive will be at the premier to answer questions and meet with family and community members. Clive is from the University of Texas Arlington, the college that worked on the film. He said one of the best parts about working on the project was the students. Two years was spent on the project and students collected hundreds of hours of interviews with local miners. Some locals included in the film include Gordon Larsen, Carl Pollastro, Kevin Tuttle, Forrest Addison and many others.
The fire that claimed the lives of 27 miners on December 19, 1984 was caused by a faulty air compressor allowed to run in a non-fire-proofed area. This documentary will focus on fire hazards in an underground operation, as well as general hazard recognition and accident investigation issues. While the primary audience will be mine rescue team members, the video will be relevant to all miners. Not only will this video touch on hazards present in underground coal mining, but it will cover general hazards and safety issues that will be applicable to all mining operations.
The film will also be shown at the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) convention in Denver, Colo. on Feb. 20 at 5 p.m.. Anyone registered for the convention is free to attend, while those not registered will need to get a visitor’s pass.
Further information about the film, including a short trailer, can be seen on Facebook at
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