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Commission changes career service positions

By Patsy Stoddard

Emery County Commissioners met in their first meeting in May. The board approved a resolution to make County Department Head positions at will through attrition. Commissioner Paul Cowley said he has thought about this and asked for comments from the department heads. He has weighed the issue back and forth. He said he approves of this resolution. “If you’re doing your job, you don’t have to worry,” said Commissioner Cowley. As department heads retire or resign, their positions will be filled with at-will employees under this new resolution.
The board approved signing a letter to be sent to the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining board stating Emery County’s positions on mining and water resources. There are concerns with the Flat Canyon lease and what effects mining that lease might have on Emery County’s water. Comments from Emery County’s general plan have been submitted.
The board ratified a letter to the Manti-Lasal National Forest stating Emery County positions on Wilderness Evaluation. The forest is currently rewriting the forest general plan. They are required to evaluate the forest for any areas qualifying for wilderness designations. Comments from the general plan for Emery County have been submitted to the forest.
In the signing of the NRCS-ADS-78, Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition, on the Cottonwood Creek Project, Adobe Wash site, as supported by Emery County Attorney Opinion Letter, evidence has to be submitted to the NRCS before the monies for the project will be released to the county.
A partial pay estimate for the Emergency Watershed Project was approved on the check edit list.
The PacifiCorp Contract for power on Jessie Allred’s property in Castle Dale was approved. Captain Kyle Ekker said the Allreds agreed to allow the dike to be built on their property to help control flooding in the area. The county agreed to provide power and water to the property. The amount is for $15,600. The power and water will be in Mr. Allred’s name.
The board approved an application to renew BLM Right of Way #UTU-5714-2. This is for a dangerous road by Green River that needs to be straightened and improved.
The commission approved an agreement with County Services Support to analyze centrally assessed taxes. This is an agreement with UAC to allow them to fight battles on centrally assessed properties on behalf of Emery County.
It was approved for the Travel Bureau to have brochures put into Moab and into Grand Junction. There is a courier who takes care of keeping the brochures stocked. Commissioner Keith Brady said Moab is a hard market to get into. Moab is very crowded and it is hoped some of those tourists will migrate this way.
The building systems agreement with Honeywell International Inc. for the Emery County Aquatic Center was signed in the amount of $5,190. This agreement insures the equipment and has saved the county money over the years.
Meagan Wilberg from the Museum of the San Rafael reported their Smithsonian Exhibit will open on May 20 from noon-3 p.m. The theme is the Way We Worked and an Emery County exhibit of the Way We Worked has also been prepared by museum staff. There will also be a bake sale hosted by the Orangeville American Legion.
Commissioner Brady went to a meeting in Vernal concerning the Green River flooding which might occur during the runoff season. He said the NRCS has been more receptive and willing to help the farmers than at the initial meeting earlier this year. They have been releasing more water out of Flaming Gorge to hopefully aleviate flooding downstream during peak run-off.
Sheriff Greg Funk reported Deputy Ward’s daughter Avery has undergone another surgery. On June 17 there will be a fundraiser golf tournament for Kina Jewkes. She recently underwent a liver transplant. The anti-rejection medicine costs approximately $2,000 a month after insurance. Sheriff Funk encouraged everyone to get a team and join in this fundraiser. It will begin at 9 a.m. at Millsite Golf Course. There will also be a raffle. Any businesses or individuals who would like to donate an item for the raffle can contact Sheriff Funk.
Phillip Engleman was reappointed to the Fire Protection District Board of Directors to serve another four year term. Mick Robinson has been selected as the part time interim EMS Director. Former EMS director Jim Gordon has resigned the position. A $45 cell phone stipend for Robinson as the Interim EMS Director was approved. Robinson was approved to take the EMS Vehicle home overnight in the event it is in the best interest of the county.
Kelli Nelson was approved as a volunteer for the Museum of the San Rafael and Emery County Fair. Ariauna Downard was given a 3 percent wage increase for successful completion of her six month orientation period as a Lifeguard Instructor.
Vanessa Justesen was approved a 3 percent wage increase for successful completion of her six month orientation period as a part-time Commission Secretary.
Maxine Fielder was given a 3 percent wage increase for successful completion of her six month orientation period as a full time Justice Court Clerk I.
Karen Richards was approved to be a full time Deputy Clerk Auditor I with full benefits.

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