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Commissioner Keith Brady announces resignation


Commissioner Keith Brady speaks at the 25k job tour.

Emery County Commissioner Keith Brady has resigned from the Emery County Commission as of Aug. 25. He was three years into a four year term. Bill Dellos is the Republican party chairman. Dellos said the executive committee of the Republican Party will take applications through Sept. 11. Any qualified Republican is eligible to put their name in for consideration. On Sept. 14 the central committee will meet upstairs at the county building. Interested applicants can have a booth at the meeting. They will also be allowed to speak to the central committee. The central committee will then vote on the applicants. Once an applicant receives 50 percent of the vote of the central committee that applicant will be forwarded to the Emery County Commission for their approval or disapproval. The commission meeting where a new commissioner will be approved is on Sept. 19 at 3 p.m.
Executive board members include: Bill Dellos, Karen Dellos, Phil Fauver, Janet Geary and Mike Olsen.
Statement from Commissioner Keith Brady from keithbrady.com.
The people of Emery County are a hardworking and innovative people. Many of us have at least two jobs, not always because we have to but because we want to. We are community minded and serve each other in various capacities. We continue to do so with compassion and selflessness for the betterment of the county and your communities. We do what has to get done.
I believe everyone should pursue opportunities that come their way that is advantageous for them and their families. Recently, an opportunity came my way that I couldn’t ignore. I wasn’t looking for anything, I was looking forward to running for a possible second term. I struggled to pursue this opportunity because of all the good that is happening in Emery County. The position has been offered and I have accepted. I am moving with my family to Sitka, Alaska to be their City Administrator.
Due to this, I am resigning as Commissioner of Emery County as of Friday, August 25, 2017.
For a replacement, state code says that the party chair of the person previously filling the seat has 30 days to choose a replacement. Then the county commission has five days to approve or deny the choice.
I believe there are a lot of good things going on in the county right now. Unfortunately, government and business move at a snail’s pace. I am encouraged by Utah’s 25k jobs initiative, but their feet will need to be held to the fire and the county will need to put together a strategic economic plan with steps to implement it. It needs community input and buy-off all the way up the chain in order to work, or it will go on a shelf and collect dust. There has been good work going on with our current businesses and helping them to expand while thinking outside the box to bring in outside business.
I know that you will continue supporting coal and the power plants, but you will need to look beyond coal and work to diversify the economy. You never know what will happen in the future.
I have continued to say that tourism is an important part of the economic pie, but it is notthe pie. It helps bring people to our wonderful county to spend money and then leave. It can be a great tool for economic development. If embraced, it can help beautify cities and really show the great quality of life that is here.
Continue to support multiple use on public lands. As a friend of mine is apt to say, “Take care of agriculture and the rest will take care of themselves” (speaking of other industries). Support the growers and the grazers, they are great partners to have. Strive for the strongest position possible when working with BLM and Forest Service and advance the position of the county.
Continue to work with SITLA and Congress to move SITLA parcels near the municipalities for future economic growth.
Work with UAC and other counties to reform the Centrally Assessed Tax process. Some of the ideas that have been given are to put in escrow the amount appealed until it’s settled and to assess the properties every other year.
As much as I dislike this as an option, Emery County needs to compete with other Utah counties for business through tax abatements or tax increment financing (TIF). The county should and needs to form a community reinvestment agency (CRA) to be competitive for when the option comes along.
Lastly, while looking into developing a Green River Daily (something like the Moab Daily, daily river runs), Grand County has offered 70+ miles of road near Green River for the county to take over. It comes with significant B Road money. This money could help fund a third road crew member in Green River, which would help with safety and complete more projects quicker. It would also help the speed at which roads are maintained near Green River for recreational and farm use. I believe it should be looked at seriously.
I love Emery County and the opportunities it has provided me and my family. I have enjoyed getting to know everyone I have come in contact with.
I ask for understanding and respect as my family goes through this transition.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you. It has been a genuine pleasure.
Keith Brady

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