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Orangeville City American Legion Memorial Day observance


Commander Huntington presents the ceremony at Orangeville. Phil Fauver, Staff Writer

By Phil Fauver
Staff Writer

American Legion Post 39 held their annual Memorial Day ceremonies on May 29. Commander Mack Huntington welcomed everyone to the program. Post Chaplain Chris Hardman offered a prayer. Commander Huntington thanked Orangeville City, Allen Childs and all of the city crew for their work making the cemetery beautiful. He thanked the Humphrey family for putting flags on every veterans grave. The Legion Auxiliary and the youth council placed flowers on every grave.
Commander Huntington thanked everyone for attending and asked them to take the time to read the names of the veterans on the monument. “Today we are saluting our fallen comrades and also dedicating the salute to the seven living World War II veterans from Orangeville. Six of them are in attendance today, Tom K. Bell, Ruth M. Bunderson, Bryant Terry Jewkes, Neldon Sitterud, Kent Stilson (represented by Ruth Stilson,) Louis Whimpey and Keith Ware, who is at the care center. These people are the greatest generation. They served their country when the future of the free world was at stake. They came home to live lives of service,” said Commander Huntington.
American Legion Post 39 presented a 21 gun salute, followed by the playing of Taps and the flag being raised to full staff.

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