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Huntington Primary election candidates


Kelly Oveson

Kelly Oveson – Born in Castle Dale to Valdean and Isabelle Oveson, after the second grade we moved to Huntington where I lived until 1983, I left for the “City” to pursue a career in Fire Protection.
Over the next 32 years I met my wife Corrine and raised a daughter and three sons in West Valley. I was very successful and fortunate in my career and in 2014 was able to take an early retirement. Having an empty nest, we decided to get out of the city and come “home”.
We now live in the same house I grew up in. My successes in life are in large part, a result of living in this town. Values like, integrity, fairness, honesty and hard work, were taught to me by, not only my parents, but the whole community.
I have already reaped many rewards of being blessed to grow up here. I would now be honored to serve on your City Council in order to give a little back. I have no specific agenda nor issues, I simply vow to listen to and address your concerns. I will work very hard to make this town even better than it already is. Thank you.
Aleasa Pierce – My name is Alease Pierce. I was born and raised in Salt Lake. I met my husband, Shawn while he was living/working there. He was born and raised in Huntington, that’s why we decided to move down here after we got married 21 years ago. I have been serving here in Huntington for seven of those years as a crossing guard at the elementary. I love my job there. I love seeing the kids every day, and getting to know them. I am running for city council, because I love living here and love to help people out. If I know that I have helped somebody out, then it makes me happy. I don’t know of anybody that doesn’t like to be happy, right? I have gotten to know many people in the time I have lived here, and enjoy having a lot of friends. I am asking for your votes because I have a great listening ear, and will do my job as a city council member, to listen to everyone and their opinions and what they have to say, to accomplish their goals and hopes to keep this city one of the best places to live in Utah.
Gloria Wilson – I love where I live. I love the people here in Huntington. I love serving. I love being involved. Whether it is overseeing the city “Turkey Trot” and “Fun Run,” being on the beautification committee, planning and zoning, or CERT, I have loved every minute of it.
As a former city councilman for almost four years, I understand the saying of “It takes a village.” I have seen many of you out serving our community in different capacities and it makes me love our town even more. I believe strongly that it takes all of us to make Huntington a wonderful place to live.
I have held many leadership positions in my church and I’m up for the task of continuing that leadership responsibility as a city councilman for Huntington. I currently work for Emery School District and I’m proud to say I am a lunch lady! I love my job and working with the youth. I love riding with the Mecca Bike Club, and belonging to the Huntington Library book club.
Hopefully in some way I have earned your trust in my abilities and my dedication to our community. I would appreciate your vote on August 15.
Clark Ungerman – Clark Ungerman is running for Huntington City Council. He is the son of Gordon and Sabrina Ungerman and the grandson of Dale and Rose Ungerman. He is a 1998 graduate of Emery High School. He earned an Associate of Science degree in 2003 from CEU. He served an LDS mission in Denmark from 2000-2002. He married Schaly Hansen in 2005. They have two children, Ari and Payton.
Clark is a property claims adjuster for Farm Bureau Insurance.
Clark was employed by Nielson Construction for 11 years as a project manager.
Clark’s objective as a city council member is primarily to make Huntington a safe, nurturing, environment for his two young daughters and all youth. To succeed they will need excellent youth programs and an atmosphere where they can develop their interests. Youth sports, horsemanship, youth riding clubs and a safe learning environment are essential and will be the focus of Clark’s attention as he serves on the Huntington city council.
Mark Justice – Mark is presently serving on the Huntington City Council and is seeking re-election. During the past four years one of his responsibilities has been streets, curbs and sidewalks. A number of improvements have been made and he would like to continue with those projects. His knowledge and experience with city government can be an asset to the city.
He is hard working and energetic and willing to listen to citizens concerns and suggestions.
He is financially conservative and believes the city needs to be most careful in where and how it spends taxpayer money.
Mark is committed and dedicated to Huntington City and has a lifetime of experience serving as a volunteer to organizations and projects in Huntington.
He believes: “We live in a great community, let’s work together to make it even better.”
Mark is a local business owner. He and his wife Julie have a blended family of 10 children and 25 grandkids.

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