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Emery teachers visit the legislature


Pictured l to r -  Sydney Conder (Senator Hinkins’ intern), Diane Carter, Tom Hansen, Kim Player, Courtney Justice, Senator David Hinkins, Angie Barton, Neal Peacock and Kai Horrocks.

Members of the Emery Education Association traveled to Salt Lake City on February 1-2 to lobby and to learn about pending legislation that effects Education in Emery County and all of rural Utah.
  After spending the evening discussing these issues with teachers around the state, the Emery teachers were on Capitol Hill at 7 am Friday morning to attend the Education Appropriations Committee and to meet with their legislators.
 At 11 am they met with Senator David Hinkins who warmly welcomed the teachers and took a large amount of time to listen to their stories and concerns and to discuss educational issues with them.
 The teachers greatly appreciated his knowledge on the issues and his concern for the students of Utah.  
The teachers also met with Carl Albrecht who represents parts of Sevier, Sanpete, and Emery counties.  He was very good to listen to the ideas of the Emery Teachers.
 Michael Mower, a graduate of Emery High and an assistant to Governor Herbert also took time out of his schedule to greet the educators and discuss their ideas.
The delegation met with Commissioner Sitterud and Commissioner  Wilson from Emery County who were there lobbying the Legislature.
The teachers had lunch with Superintendent Larry Davis and the head of the SouthEastern Utah Service Center Dr. Crane to discuss the issues facing Emery County and rural Utah.  It was a successful trip.

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