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Lowell Morris recognized as rural PA of the Year


Kim McFarlane and Lowell Morris.

At the Annual John Allen Memorial Conference of the Utah Academy of Physician Assistants the Rural PA of the Year was awarded to Lowell Morris, PA-C. Lowell Morris is a resident of Emery County, Utah and is employed by Castle View Hospital at the Emery Medical Center.
Lowell Morris is currently a full-time Physician Assistant in Castle Dale, working at Emery Medical Center. Lowell is loved by all, and has an impeccable focus on quality and compassionate care. Our entire community is more healthy simply because of Lowell.
Lowell Morris spent several years of his childhood in Emery County, Utah. After graduating from High School, he went on to study Athletic Training and Sports Medicine at BYU. After graduating from BYU, Morris worked as an Athletic Trainer for the Dallas Cowboys. During his time with the Dallas Cowboys, he worked closely with a Physician Assistant. The PA scope of work strongly resonated with Lowell as he saw firsthand all ofthe opportunities the PA field offers. The desire to work as a PA became so strong he decided to discontinue his employment with the Dallas Cowboys in order to continue his education and pursue the opportunity to be a Physician Assistant.
During his PA internship, a position opened at the Emery Medical Center in Castle Dale. Knowing first·hand Emery County is a terrific place to raise a family, and having a desire for his children to have the same opportunities he had as he grew up in a small, tight knit community, he jumped at the opportunity to come back home. Lowell, his wife Charlotte, and his five beautiful children have spent a total of 14 years living and working in Emery County.
Lowell lives a life of service. He has dedicated countless hours of service to the youth in Emery County in many capacities. He is currently actively involved in his church’s Stake Young Men’s Program, where the young men look to Lowell as an example of leadership, kindness, and integrity. Lowell also influences the lives of future generations by being actively involved in Little League Basketball and also as a 4-H mentor. He is a trusted friend and leader to people of all ages.
Lowell readily shares his medical expertise in order to bless the lives of the members of the community. He was a volunteer firefighter for 10 years. He is also a valuable asset to Emery County Sheriff’s Office, where has been actively involved with the sheriffs Search and Rescue Team for the past 11 years. It is not uncommon for him to volunteer for specialized training in order to better serve the citizens of Emery County, and has been involved in several critical rescues with the sheriffs High Angle Rope Rescue Team. He has been the Medical Training Officer for both the Search and Rescue Team and the Emery County Sheriffs Office, and has served as the Medical Control Officer for the Emery County Jail.
Lowell is a man of vision and gumption. In speaking with employers and employees throughout the community, he realized there was a lack of available resources which promoted wellness in the workplace. Consequently, in 2004 he created and launched an occupational medicine service line named WorkPoint. WorkPoint took off like wildfire and quickly became extremely successful.
Lowell is also a trusted medical provider to multi-generations of families. He takes great care and consideration for every patients, and even though he sometimes sees over 30 patients a day, he makes every patient feel as if they were his only patient that day. Lowell left his position at Emery Medical Center a couple years ago to pursue a family business in Florida. To our benefit, he decided to return to our community in 2017. We are so glad he chose to “come back home” and practice in our community where he truly makes a positive difference in many lives.

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