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Ferron/Clawson American Legion plan Veterans Monument


Attendees try their luck at bingo for a good cause to raise money for the monument. Danyale Service

Over the past year, Ferron American Legion Post 42, Ferron City and Clawson City have been working toward establishing a veteran’s monument. The monument would recognize deceased and living veterans who have served our nation as an active member of the armed services during wars, conflicts and times of peace. After considering various designs and possible locations, the design and location of the monument have been agreed upon. The preferred location is on the west side of the Mayors Park in Ferron, south of the park sign, along State Street. This will make the monument visible and will be a nice addition to our communities. It will also demonstrate the willingness of our communities to thank those who have served and sacrificed during active duty.
A primary concern in developing the monument was that it would generally be durable and maintenance free. Wheelchair access to and around the monument was also a priority. The monument is planned to consist of a cement base, two benches, an aluminum flag pole, three granite stones and two cement paths connecting the monument to adjacent sidewalks. A central stone will recognize the service branches, and will have an appropriate statement of appreciation to veterans. A list of significant contributors will also be engraved on this stone. Veteran names will be listed on two side stones under the appropriate war or conflict they served in. It is planned that space will be left between wars should additional names need to be added.
Names to be engraved on the monument will be displayed under 11 wars or conflicts as well as those that served during periods of peace.
To determine names of deceased veterans to include on the monument a review of burial records, headstones, and contacts with family members is underway to clarify information.
Living veterans are being contacted to determine their service information and if they would like their name displayed. If you have a question about the names of veterans being included on the monument please contact Tami at Ferron City, Clawson Mayor Gary Price, Kent Petersen or John Healy.
It is estimated the monument will cost approximately $30,000. A search for grants to help pay for this project have not been successful. Contributions of materials, labor and money from cities, businesses and individuals, as well as fund raisers, will be relied upon to pay for the monument.
Ferron American Legion Post 42 held its first fund raising effort with a fish and chip dinner, and bingo night on March 24, at the Ferron recreation building.
Diagrams of the proposed monument and a list of veterans were on display at the dinner.
If you would like to contribute to the monument your donation would be greatly appreciated and will be accepted anytime at Ferron City. Mayor Gary Price of Clawson, Post Commander Clifford Snow or Post Adjutant Red Hess will also accept donations.
Please submit contributions in the name of American Legion Post 42.
Many people attended the fish fry and bingo night at the Recreation Center.
Watch for more fundraisers in the coming months.

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