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Commissioners to approve a drought resolution every 30 days

The Emery County commissioners approved a Resolution Declaring the Existence of a Drought Emergency in Emery County for a period of 30 days. This resolution must be renewed every 30 days. The commission will continue to do this until the drought is over. By doing this the county might become eligible for drought relief funding.
The Commissioners approved the users agreement for a courtesy car at the Huntington airport. This car may be used by those flying into the airport to go to town for supplies and to visit local businesses.
County Attorney Mike Olsen presented a Years of Service presentation to David and McKette Allred for 24 years of service to Emery County as indigent defense counsel.
The board approved Safety Incentive Visa Gift Cards to four employees who are eligible. Eligible employees will be entered into a drawing.
A business license was approved for Lila Canyon Coal Mine. To date they have had a conditional use permit, but not a business license.
The board approved Marketing Funds for Sage Riders-Single Track Event at Chimney Rock. Jordan Leonard representing the travel bureau said the event has 400 riders and 1,000 attendees. The board approved the $3,500 in matching funds for the event. The club is based out of Helper. Commissioner Paul Cowley said he saw the event last year and there were trailers and motorhomes all over and riders. It was a large event. The county road has worked on the road in that area so that will help. The event is on Sept. 22.
 Marketing Funds for Emery County Search and Rescue-San Rafael Classic Triathlon were approved. The event is in July at the Huntington Lake State Park. Leonard explained it’s a closed course so that makes it nice. They get 150 participants. It’s a fundraiser for the search and rescue. They are asking for $3.500 in matching funds.
 Marketing Funds for the Joe’s Valley Bouldering Festival were approved. Last year there were 300 participants and 400 who attended the events at the park. Leonard said, “It’s a good event to introduce the boulderers to the county. The festival is a good use of the marketing funds. It brings the climbers down into the communities. Approximately 15,000 climbers come to our area yearly. It’s popular in the spring and fall. The festival is Oct. 5-7 in Castle Dale as well as activities in other communities and climbing at Joe’s Valley. If the climbers feel welcome they will come and spend money,” said Leonard.
Leonard said they would like to begin advertising for an RFP for the Tourism Website. It needs to be updated. San Rafael Country is the website and they would like more information on the website and links to area businesses including lodging properties and restaurants. They will look at proposals and prices and see what’s available.
The board approved a Marketing Agreement with Utopia for Commercial Ads on KJZZ. These are two 30 second ads which will run 12 commercials a day. KJZZ is a different market than used other years with Chad Booth’s commercials. So the travel bureau would like to give Utopia a try. Utopia was in the county last week for three days filming area attractions and lodging. Commissioner Kent Wilson said, “We will try this and analyze it at the end and see if we got any good out of it.”
Steven Barton, county treasurer discussed a tax deferral agreement for the payment of real property taxes that are five years past due for Jerald W. Barney. Barton said he has a letter from Barney and taxes will be paid by the due date this year. The commission approved the agreement.
Tax deferral agreements were approved for Clifford L. Kemple, Jr. and Enrique Reyes. Barton said he has letters from the parties involved and they will pay their taxes by the due date.
The commissioners adopted the Emery County Emergency Operations Basic Plan. This plan must be re-adopted each time changes are made to the plan. Capt. Kyle Ekker said changes are made regularly due to changing personnel within the cities and county.
 Randy Johnson-Government Matters, LLC reported the Emery County Public Lands use bill is very close to being heard in Congress and the Senate. The legislators are fine tuning the language on the bill.
Johnson said a bill passed that will hopefully bring Green River closer to having natural gas. The bill will allow Dominion Energy to spread the costs of installation of natural gas pipes in rural Utah across their entire customer base. This will open the door for these projects in rural areas.
Commissioner Cowley said a conference will be held May 15 in Richfield from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the topic is, “Breaking the Silence on Elder Abuse.” The guest speaker is Paul Greenwood.
Commissioner Wilson said he attended field trips to the desert with Rep. John Curtis’ staff and the Pew Foundation. “I had a chance to sit and listen to Randy and Ray do their work. It’s an important year. They knew everything about every rock. It was impressive. Emery County has a lot of good employees,” said Commissioner Wilson. He said he appreciates the support from Washington DC for Emery County and the relationships which have been established over the years.
Commissioner Lynn Sitterud encouraged all citizens to be involved in the political process.
Kyle Willis was appointed to the North Emery Water User’s Special Service District Administrative Control Board and Beth Marshall was approved as a volunteer for the Travel Bureau.

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