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Lady Spartan softball beats Grand at home/goes 3 for 4 in St. George Tourney


Emery softball at the St. George tournament. Back row: Megan Dawes, Larissa Thompson, Bailey Huggard, Carlie Robertson,  Addy Healy. Front row: Raegan Rasmussen, Madisyn Alton, Morgann Donaldson and AdriAnne Childs. Submitted photo

By Patsy Stoddard

It was a busy week for Emery Softball. They hosted the Grand County Red Devils on Tuesday in Castle Dale. The Red Devils went ahead with a four run-homer by a Grand player who also hit a homer in the first inning. Grand went up 9-3 and then the Lady Spartans battled their way back into the game. The final score was 15-17 in favor of the Spartans.
The softball team headed south to the St. George tournament where they played five games and came out victorious in four of those.
They beat El Dorado by a score of 20-2 in a game which saw Adri Childs with four hits.
They faced Morgan and beat them 11-1. Their one loss came against Hurricane by a score of 4-9.
The Spartans beat Viewmont with a score of 7-6 and Adri Childs had a walk-off homerun in this game. In the game against Bonneville the score was 14-4 with Emery on top. Bailey Huggard had four hits in this game.
The Lady Spartans will travel to South Sevier on March 20 and will host South Sevier at home on March 23. Game time is 3:30 p.m. with junior varsity following the varsity game at approximately 5:30 p.m.
Emery softball players for 2018 include: Arilyn Allred, Madisyn Alton, Makeiya Burtuzzi, Kaymn Childs, AdriAnne Childs, Braileigh Clark, Megan Dawes, Morgann Donaldson, Addy Healy, Shayleigh Hreinson, Bailey Huggard, Mollee Hurst, Shyanne Jensen, Kaejha Johnson, Taleigh Price, Kaylee Price, Raegan Rasmussen, Carlie Robinson, Autumn Stilson, Allison Thomas, Larissa Thompson, Jayla Weston, Janessa Weston and Bralin Wilde. Coaches are Shaun Bell, Elise Curtis, Joni Edgehouse and Matt Bunnell.

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