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Municipal building authority discusses pool


At the recent Board of the Municipal Building Authority of Emery County, the county owned incubator building was discussed. The current occupants are operating a trucking business at the site, and their contract with the county allows operation until mid 2006.
Another update of MBA business was from Emery County Commissioner Drew Sitterud. He stated that work on the Green River Senior Center/Justice Court project is continuing. He has had meetings with Green River City, and the plans are ready to be sent on to the architect. When those plans return, Sitterud will bring them to the MBA. Commissioner Ira Hatch stated that Maughn Guymon from the Council on Aging, and Judge Betty Burns need to be updated on the progress of this project also.
Sitterud also noted that negotiations are continuing with the Emery County School District regarding the proposed swimming pool. The Emery County Recreation District is hoping to locate the new pool near Emery High School to facilitate swimming classes at the school. Location of the pool has not been decided at this point due to suitability problems. Every location discussed has presented some major obstacles, but Sitterud stated that he will continue to investigate and pursue solutions.
Sitterud informed the board that the Museum of the San Rafael has secured a grant to pay for a project to fix the drainage problem at the facility. The grant will also fund the installation of a patio, along with lighting and furniture for that patio. Construction is expected to begin in early spring.
Another project mentioned by Sitterud is repairwork at the Emery County Care and Rehab Center. There is a plumbing problem in the two older wings of that facility, and bids have been received to do the work. The care center board will award the bid soon, and the MBA approved to authorized the needed funds for the project.

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