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Letter to the Editor: Camping in open spaces


Dear Editor,
On Sunday afternoon of Memorial Day Weekend my wife and I drove to Goblin Valley via Highway 24 to meet some family. On the way back we decided to take the scenic route back past Temple Mountain to Exit 131 on I-70. We were pleasantly surprised to see that not a single car or camper was in the “people pastures” aka Bureau of Land Management Campgrounds with restrooms at Temple Mountain. There were three big camps between the two “people pastures” on State School Trust Land and seven or eight camps within 1 1/2 miles on up the road. People have enough fenced in feelings at home. They don’t want it when there is more than 500,000 acres out there that belong to all of us. I know that our Emery County officials realize that we don’t need to be fenced in when camping. Maybe they will be able to work with the Bureau of Land Management to help them realize that fenced enclosures with an entrance and exit is not necessary.

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