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Community Events

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Community Events

UMWA Meeting

A meeting will be held for UMWA Local 6363 at 10 a.m. on Feb. 20. District 22.

Little League Wrestling

A meeting for those interested in helping with Little League Wrestling will be held on Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. at Canyon View Junior High in Huntington.

BookCliff Muzzleloaders

The BookCliff Muzzleloaders Blackpowder club will meet for their February shoot on Feb. 16 at 10 a.m. at the Pinnacle Peak range. Bring a prize and lots of powder and balls.

Attention Parents

Now looking for 3 and 4 year old children who may be eligible for the Head Start program. Openings now available in the Home Base Program. Also looking for children for the fall center program. For more information call Merilyn or Michele at 381-2693.

HEAT Program

Emery County Community Services at 40 South Center Street in Castle Dale, is still accepting applications for the Home Energy Assistance Target Program, which assists eligible households with winter heating bills. Applications taken by appointmen. Contact Sandy at 381-5410.

Dog License Deadline

Cleveland residents are required to license their dogs by Feb. 28. All dogs must have proof of current rabies shots to be licensed. Persons failing to do so are subject to a $15 fine in addition to regular fees. This late fee will be enforced as of March 1.

Huntington Dog Licenses

Huntington 2002 dog licenses are now due; deadline March 1. Proof of current rabies vaccination must be presented before license can be issued. Rabies clinic Feb 23, at Fire Station, 9-noon, Brent Griggs DVM. Call 687-2436 for more information.

Sweetheart Dinner Benefit

The Huntington Lion’s Club will host a benefit Sweetheart Spaghetti Dinner and Dance on Feb. 13, from 6-9 p.m. featuring Val Jensen’s Route 10 Band at the Emery County Recreation Building at the Castle Dale Rodeo Grounds. This all you can eat dinner is affordably priced; your support of this benefit will help many local people and events.

Valentine’s Day Carnival

Huntington Elementary PTA Carnival will be on Feb. 14, from 5-8 p.m. at the elementary gym with food, games and fun. Craft sale, bake sale, cake walk, ringtoss, football throw, and much more. Everyone welcome.

LDS Singles Activities

Singles Fireside, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the Huntington Stake Center. Speaker: Bishop James Winn. Multi Region Singles will have fun filled evening Feb. 23, 6 p.m. also at Huntington Stake Center. International cuisine and entertainment. LDS standards, please. For additional information call activity line 435-613-0935.

Gospel Concert

On Feb. 22, there will be a gospel concert at Rock Canyon Worship Center, 3410 North Canyon Road in Provo at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and will feature the Rock Canyon Choir, music teams and solists, and a special presentation by church drama team. For additional information, call 801-374-5725. “We’ve Just Gotta Play The Music!”

Dog Licenses Due

Orangeville dog licenses are due by Feb. 28. A rabies clinic will be held at the city fire station Feb. 23 from 9 a.m.-Noon. Citations will be issued on March 1, with additional fees assessed for late licensing.

Ceramic Art at CEU

Gallery East at the College of Eastern Utah (main building) presents Susan Harris, Ceramic Artist Exhibition from Feb. 8 – Mar. 8, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. Call 435-613-5225 for more information or group times.

Emery High Rodeo

The Emery High Rodeo Team is accepting sponsors for the 2002 rodeo season. Sponsors listed in rodeo programs and announced at all events. Call in to become a sponsor to Rayne Carr Jensen at 653-2485, or Evelyn Allred at 653-2413.

Ferron Citizens

The Old Mill Camp DUP still needs your family histories for Ferron History Book. Please take time now to write up and get in no more than two typewritten pages. Take your photos of Ferron and early citizens to Evelyn Huntsman (384-2354) to scan and return to you. Questions? Call Laverna Petersen at 3842-2676.

More Stories Needed!

More stories from participants who have been in the Castle Valley Pageant in the past 25 years are needed for an upcoming Castle Valley Pageant Book. Whether your part was small or great, your story is important. Write your story and send photos before Valentine’s Day! Send to Montell Seely, P.O. Box 934, Castle Dale, UT 84513.

AA and Narcotics Anonymous

Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous meetings now held in Emery County at the Four Corners building, 45 East 100 South, Castle Dale. Narcotics Anonymous is on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. and Alcoholics Anonymous is Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. For more information call 381-2432 or 687-9416.

Free Spruce Trees

Join the National Arbor Day Foundation and get 10 free Colorado blue spruce trees ready for planting between March 1 and May 31. Call 402-474-5655 for membership.

Cowboy Poets

Do you have a cowboy poem written by you or a relative? An Emery County Cowboy Poetry Book is being put together at this time. Submit your poetry now. Deadline coming up soon. Also will be looking for local artists to help illustrate this book. Send your poem to P.O. Box 842, Ferron, UT 84523. For more information call Kathleen Truman at 435-381-2030.

American Masters Dance

Repertory Dance Theatre presents “American Masters” as part of the 2002 Olympic Arts Festival on Feb. 21. Call for times and tickets at 801-355-2787.

World of the Wild

Utah’s Hogel Zoo’s call for the “wild” is going out once again to all Utah artists with a 9th Annual Art Show taking place now until April 14. Catch this “World of the Wild” exhibit and see your favorite animals at the same time.

Veterans, Widows, Dependents

A field service officer of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be in Price at Workforce Service Center from 9-10:30 a.m. on Feb. 27. This service is free to all veterans. Understand and apply for rightful VA benefits; help with preparing and documenting application for compensation, pension, hospitalization, and other benefits. 801-524-5940.

Describe Your Town

Mayors want to know what young people think about their communities. 4th-7th graders can submit their views in the “Why I Like My Community” essay contest through their teacher at school or by calling 1-800-852-8528. Deadline is March 1.

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