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Canyon View Students Pitch in to Help with Forest Projects



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Students put the trees into wood piles.

On May 1, the ninth graders of Canyon View Junior High left the classroom environment to spend a day with nature. One week prior to the trip, in Lee Moss’ earth systems science class, the students discussed the idea of making the world a little bit better. That is when science teacher Lee Moss proposed the Lowry Water Conservation Project to the students.
Spending a day with nature has been an annual event for five years now. Mr. Moss said that he just wanted to get the students involved, and despite the fact that it is only one day of work, the amount accomplished in one day is just incredible.
Mr. Moss contacted the forest service and received a list of jobs to be done. He posted the jobs available, after which students were assigned to a work group. Each group was assigned to bring different tools and equipment.
The students arrived at their destination the Lowry Water Campsite, ready and eager to work. The campsite is approximately three miles North of Joe’s Valley Reservoir. Bill Broadbear and Andrew Johnson for the Price/Ferron Ranger District were on hand to give the students instructions as well as their teacher Mr. Moss.
The students were informed as to the work that had already taken place at the campsite. The dying cottonwoods had already been identified and cutdown by the forest service at an earlier time. The reason for doing this was to protect campers and their equipment from falling trees.
The group identified as the tree packers would pack and stack the downed trees into piles. These piles of wood will be used later by campers at the site. A group called the pinion and cottonwood transplanters, would dig up trees from different areas and transplant them back where the diseased trees had been removed.
Another group identified as the tilling group would till up open ground and then plant it with grass. Another group worked on building a small dam to stop further erosion of the stream bank.
Step-building was the job of another group. This group made steps out of treated wood. The steps led down to a popular place to play in the water. The steps would also help to prevent the erosion of the stream bank. The job most wanted among the students was the policemen. It was their job to see that each group remained on task. Other groups included the refreshment group who were assigned to bring healthy snacks and provide water to all of the workers. It was the job of the public relations group to make a video tape of the event, take digital pictures and submit a written report to the newspaper.
The students worked hard all day long and only stopped for lunch. After the jobs were completed the students boarded the bus for the trip back to the school. The students had a sense of pride and accomplishment. Mr. Moss’ class really did make the world a little bit better.
Students’ comments included: “I felt that we accomplished a lot and I’m proud of most of us for our hard work. I believe that this will help the environment a lot.” “We had fun and got a lot accomplished.” “It was a lot of work that we did, but it was very fun. I would do it anytime. It was better than going to school. We should do it again.” “On the way up to Lowry Water, I thought it was some nice country. It was fun to work at transplanting cottonwood trees, and help the forest service.” “I thought it was fun to go out into the woods and work instead of going to school.” “It was fun to see what everyone had done, it was a lot of work but not that bad.” “I feel that it was hard and I am very sore from working so hard. It was beneficial to the environment” (Photos and text by Canyon View students.)

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