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New Economic Development Director Eyes County Growth



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Marlin Eldred

Marlin Eldred officially started as the Economic Development Director on May 20. As the director his main goal and focus is on growing the economy in Emery County. He views economic growth in three ways. “The first is growth from within Emery County. This is focusing on growing existing business and or helping to start new business from within the county.
“Strengthening our local businesses will help them grow and create more jobs. If a business is started from within the county the business owner knows our economic situation and can adjust for that and is also more committed to stay.
“The second area of growth is in tourism. I want to change the perception of Emery County from a pit stop for gas to a place to take a week long vacation. Vacationers need to spend a few days in our county and spend money on local goods and attractions.
“The last area of growth is through bringing in outside businesses. My main focus will be on the first two areas mentioned but as the opportunity arises I will work to bring in outside businesses. I am committed to Emery County and economic development. If anyone has ideas or needs information about starting a business please call me at 381-5576,” said Eldred. He can also be reached by e-mail econdev@co.emery.ut.us

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