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Sing America Sing



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Huntington Elementary students presented their closing program entitled, “Sing America Sing.” They traced the settling of America from Columbus to present time with song and dance. The kindergarten classes began with songs telling of Columbus’ journey to America. The first graders sang, “The Liberty Tree” and “Yankee Doodle.” The fifth graders sang of, “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” and also the “Star Spangled Banner.” The 4th graders sang about, “The Erie Canal and “Daddy Works on the Railway.” The kindergarten classes came back for their rendition of, “Cotton Needs Pickin.” The second graders sang about the “Rio Grande” and also told a bit of mining history with the song, “Clementine.” The third graders sang of the story of immigration to America with, “Bound for the Promised Land” and “Sweet Betsy from Pike.” The sixth graders were dressed for army action and they sang, “Get along little Dogies” and “You’re in the Army Now.” The program ended with a slide show and the entire school singing, “God Bless America.”

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