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New FFA Officers Installed During Banquet




New Officers, left to right, Kortnie Anderson, Pennie Christiansen, Cierra Jones, Jessie Bennett, Hannah Anderson, Audra Brasher and Kyla Peacock. (not pictured Steven Jensen)

The Emery FFA Banquet started off with a bang with Trista Beagley’s rich voice.
After dinner we had the year end review slide show which was brought to us by Rachel Staley, last years reporter.
We had four retiring addresses brought to us by Roger “Bro” Anderson entitled “Drive Me Wild,” Rachel Staley entitled “Life is a Highway,” Bryant McMullin entitled “Does One Person make a Difference,” and Michael Jewkes entitled “You’ve Got to Stand for Something.” We appreciate their help and dedication to the FFA all those years.
We also had a guest speaker, James R. Nelson, one quote from his speech entitled “FFA: Education for the Future” is “Who are the real environmentalists? Farmers, because they care for the land and utilize it.”
The FFA Motto is Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. That is exactly what the Greenhand degree is for. JanaLee Tuttle achieved the Star Chapter Greenhand for the year 2002-2003. She will go on the to the area contest in February.
There is one more degree that a chapter can bestow upon a member that is the chapter degree. There was one outstanding member in the Star Chapter Farmer category. It was Rachel Staley and also Kayla Peacock was given the Chapter Farmer Degree.
We had four state degree candidates which were; Kortnie Anderson, Bryant McMullin, Micheal Jewkes and Bro Anderson. Bro also was awarded second runner up for the Star State Farmer at the state convention.
There were five recipients for honorary membership they are; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jewkes, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Staley, Mr. Kelly Alton, Mrs. Gwen Callahan and Mr. and Mrs. Homer.
This year we had three recipients for the American Degree which is the highest degree a member can receive they are; Kyle Fox, Jackie Bennett Fox and Hayden Behling.
We had Proficiencies won at area that went to state. Cierra Jones won the agriculture communications, environmental science and swine production entrepreneurship proficiencies. She also received a trip to Washington D.C. when she won the National Risk Management Essay contest.
This year we had an award for recognizing scholarship academic achievement and Supervised Agricultural Experience achievement. This year’s winner was Bryant McMullin.
Last but not least the last awards to be given were the installation of the new officers they are; Kayla Peacock, parliamentarian; Audra Brasher, historian; Hannah Anderson, reporter; Steven Jensen, sentinel; Jessie Bennett, treasurer; Cierra Jones, secretary; Pennie Christiansen, vice-president; and Kortnie Anderson, president.

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