The Castle Dale City Council met in their regularly scheduled meeting on Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. Mayor Neal Peacock called the meeting to order and the prayer was given by Gwen Peacock. Mayor Peacock lead the group in a minute of silence in remembrance of the 3,052 people lost in the September 11 tragedy, then in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from the previous meeting were introduced, corrected and accepted as corrected. It was moved and seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Peacock opened the public hearing for the purpose of receiving public comment prior to the adoption of ordinance 9-11-02 “An Ordinance Establishing Parking Regulations at Emery High School.” The councilmen clarified a question, then it was open to the public. As there was no public comments or discussion, it was moved and seconded that the ordinance be adopted. The motion passed unanimously.
Chanel Atwood from the Travel Council was next on the agenda. Atwood explained that she was representing the Castle Country Regional Information Center.
She gave a detailed explanation of her duties in her office in the College of Eastern Utah Museum, which include greeting all visitors to the museum and making them aware of all the activities in the Emery County Area along with the information from Carbon County. Atwood stated that she is in the CEU Museum from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and that most of the inquiries this season have been about the Castle Valley Pageant, the Dinosaur Quarry and the San Rafael Swell. There is big interest on the Rock Art in the Swell from international as well as local visitors.
Atwood stated that she also provides travelers with maps and information about camping, fishing and hunting regulations in the Emery County Area. She explained that there are plans to hold another open house in the spring. Atwood then expressed her appreciation to the Council for their cooperation in this effort. Councilman Gordon made a suggestion to mention and single out Emery County from Carbon County more often in the pamphlets and brochures.
Castle Dale resident, Gary Kofford, was then introduced to the council as a candidate for Emery County Commissioner. Kofford told his background and experience that he feels is necessary for the job of commissioner. The council then asked Kofford about his stand on economics. Kofford stated that there is no one correct answer to the economic problems in Emery County, but that his experience in Weber County has taught him how to expand opportunities for the businesses already established in the area. He stated that we need to make known what we already have here in the county.
Councilman Giles asked Kofford how the county could help Castle Dale City with some of their problems. Kofford responded by saying that the county and the cities of Emery County need open, working relationships so both sides could benefit.
Brad Giles was the first to give his council report. He proposed sending a letter thanking the citizens of Castle Dale for their efforts in water conservation this summer. Giles also stated that there needs to be a reminder in this letter that derelict cars cannot be left on city streets and that snow removal season is approaching so the property owners need to keep the sidewalks clear of snow.
Doug Weaver, Councilman for Planning and Zoning reported that he had nothing new to report.
Dan Whiteleather was next to report and stated that the work on the pavilion in Valley View Park is going well. Whiteleather also said he is planning to apply for a CIB grant to extend the pavilion at the Fair Grounds.
Jack Rogers reported next. Rogers reported that the secondary water system is off now and he has had discussion with Darrel Leamaster of the Special Service District about penalties for culinary water use for outside watering. Castle Dale used 145 acre feet of water in Aug. 2002 as opposed to 170 acre feet in Aug. 2001. Rogers also commented that the committee is being formed for the Castle Dale June celebration for next year and that they are exploring new ideas for entertainment.
The next councilman on the agenda was LaMont Gordon. He stated that although the rain has helped the county, it has brought out the worst in the roof at the pool. Gordon asked if they could apply for a CIB grant to repair the roof.
He also said that Tom Maier, maintenance supervisor, had repaired some water lines coming into the city building and that it should take care of the problem.
Gordon requested permission to look into erecting a sign on the highway notifying travelers to the Swell area that Castle Dale is just up ahead, around the bend.
Mayor Peacock was the last to report. He stated that the social will be on or around Sept. 21. Peacock also fielded suggestions about the water lines running along Highway 29 near the Des-Bee Dove Road. Some concerns have arisen about where they are and how to access them for hookups afterwhich it was moved and seconded to adjourn. The next Castle Dale City Council meeting will be Oct. 9 at 7 p.m.
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