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Castle Dale City Council Meeting

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Castle Dale City Council held its monthly meeting Nov. 13 at City Hall. Mayor Neal Peacock called the meeting to order at just after 7 p.m. Don Riddle, Emery, volunteered to open with prayer followed by the pledge of allegiance led by Mayor Peacock. Members of the council in attendance were Brad Giles, Doug Weaver, Dan Whiteleather and LaMont Gordon. One councilman was excused due to his working out of town.
The first agenda item was the adoption of minutes from the previous months meeting. After corrections by Giles and Gordon, the minutes were accepted.
Ramal Jones, Castle Dale resident, asked for a home occupation business license for a business he runs in Salt Lake City. Jones plans to do the record keeping from his home here, so under present statute, he needs a business license to do part of the business in his home. The council discussed the issues and councilman Weaver asked Jones if he had read the stipulations in the present business license ordinance. After discussion, the council moved, seconded and voted to issue this business license.
Mayor Peacock asked if there was any business from the public. A Castle Dale resident addressed the council with further discussion of a complaint that was brought to the meeting in October. He stated that he had conversed with the individual about the complaint of noise and traffic congestion and the individual had agreed to comply. Council members discussed ways to prevent this problem from arising in the future.
The first agenda item was city business to appoint a new fire chief. Due to the absence of the councilman in charge of the department, the item was tabled until December.
Mayor Peacock introduced the next item which was changing the night of the councils meeting. He stated that because of another commitment that will begin in January, he would like to ask if the night of the week could be changed. All the council members gave input as to the night that would best serve their individual needs. The consensus was that Thursday night would best meet the needs of all the members and the staff. The motion was made to designate the second Thursday of each month as the night to schedule the council meetings in 2003.
Castle Dale City is in the planning stages of adopting a new ordinance to cover the issuance of business licenses. Carolyn Jorgensen, city treasurer, explained that the 30 page sample ordinance that each member had been handed was supplied by Glen Vernon, Fairview City Planner. This is the ordinance in force for another county in the state in which the population is much bigger than in Emery County.
The council members went over the sample ordinance packet and discussed the items that needed changing, eliminating or rewording to best meet the needs of Castle Dale City. Peacock asked councilman Weaver to rework this sample ordinance and be ready to distribute the modified ordinance for further discussion to the council at next months meeting. A motion was made to look at the modifications and set the public hearing for this ordinance change be set for January.
Giles was the first to present his report. He reported that Tom Maier and himself had investigated a property and found no basis for the complaint about garbage. Giles also reported that he had addressed two other residents concerns and was taking the necessary actions to correct the problems.
Councilman Weaver was next to report and he stated the search for a city attorney was ongoing.
Mayor Peacock asked Jorgensen to determine the number of water shares and let the council know a solid number. He then led the discussion of the order of occupancy for the Division of Workforce Service building.
Maier asked Peacock to notify residents of the necessity of removing their cars and RVs from the parking lanes in the city streets to accommodate snow removal for the upcoming winter season.
Councilman Gordon next scheduled a date for the Castle Dale City Christmas Party for Dec. 12 at 5:30 p.m. Gordon also brought the mock up of the proposed road sign to be placed on Highway 10, along with the cost and variation choices. He also reported that the pool had been closed for the season.
Council adjourned into executive session and made no further decisions. The next scheduled meeting for the Castle Dale City Council is Dec. 11 at 7 p.m.

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