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Farewell and Thank You


The time has come to say “Thank You!” to all of my readers in the Emery County area. This is the last “Homemade” column for this publication. I have enjoyed being able to communicate with you on paper. It has been great to meet many of you personally. That is when I have had real evidence that we were communicating.
Not to write this column seems to be a change that is right for me at this time. Usually I have stopped when I left an area. But that is not what I expect to do in this case. As many of you know, I offer my house under the name Home Place as a drop-in place or retreat space for any individual or group that wishes to use it. This will still be available.
So, if you or someone you know, here or elsewhere, wants such a place please use it or tell those who do. If you stop in, we can have a neighborly chat, if that is what you would like, over a hot or cool drink. If you prefer just to sit or read from my library, you can do that also.
As many of you have experienced, there is no guarantee that a deliberate change that one makes is the right one. But in recognizing an awareness that I should make some changes in my life at this time, to not write “Homemade” is the one thing that occurs to me. Other things may come later, but not for now. We’ll see. Do stop in.
My hope is that each person and family will continue to be committed to growing and becoming the persons they can be. Those who have put off making that resolution can begin now.
There are many necessary changes and partings in life, as children grow up and people die. Each person has to listen to the Spirit’s call to do something different. In a family the time comes for losing members or relating differently. These things happen so that each one will be more who they can be. Also by moving into new relationships in and outside the family each can enrich others from what has been acquired in the past family relationships. Only in unhealthy families do parents and children cling so closely that they never let other members go so they can be their own persons. Our total world will be better because of the positive growth-filled living that has been learned in a family that works at making a real home. May yours be such.

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