Orangeville City Council held its monthly meeting on Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Thayne Cox called the meeting to order. City recorder Murleen Bean and city treasurer Cindy Nielson were present at the meeting. Councilmembers present were Pat Jones, Carol Ware, Jeffery Tuttle and Randall Stilson. Also in attendance was Dennis Tuttle, animal control officer and planning and zoning administrator.
After the meeting opened and the pledge was said, the council moved to regular business. The minutes were approved and the bills and warrants were settled. As there were no business licenses or youth council report, the council moved next to the next agenda item which was the priority list for 2003.
The council discussed the list of projects for city improvement to be considered for the 2003 year. These projects were given priority ratings for the grant process. If a project is not on the list, it will not be considered for approval in any grants that may be applied for to cover the cost. Among the projects was the discussion of curb and gutter work to finish the portions of town that are not presently completed. Councilman Jones added a new sprinkling system for the cemetery to the list of projects. The council also reviewed the budget considerations for the upcoming year.
Item seven on the agenda was the report from animal control and planning and zoning. Dennis Tuttle reported there were no zoning clearances for the past month. Tuttle also stated he had attended a training seminar in Santaquin which was very informative. The topic of the seminar was “Enforcing Municipal Zoning Ordinances.” He then advised the council of an upcoming legal matter with a private citizen. Mayor Cox questioned Tuttle about a different matter of zoning adherence.
Animal control report was next on the agenda. Tuttle reported there were no special problems, only the normal animal control issues, although there had been one dog bite case. He reported that some of the residents are already buying the licenses for their dogs for the 2003 year. Tuttle brought to the councils attention the last county commission meeting in which Dr. Glen Jensen addressed pet impound fees. He suggested the council give some consideration to the issue.
City recorder Murleen Bean was the next to report. The first item she brought was the meeting schedule for 2003. The council reviewed the calendar and set the meetings for next year. Meetings will be held the second Thursday of each month. Planning and zoning will meet on the first Thursday monthly and the board of adjustments will meet on the first Tuesday of each month.
Bean also informed the council about an asphalt project scheduled next year. She stated there are several utility poles which need to be moved. The council voted to request Utah Power to come in and move the poles.
Councilman Jones was next to report. He requested some work be done at the tree removal site at the cemetery. After the trees were removed, the area was not repaired and Jones asked Mayor Cox to schedule the work. Jones also informed the council the fire station building needs a new roof and the fire department had requested to have a new work bay built.
Councilwoman Ware was next and she commended the city employees for the excellent job they had done in the preparation for the Orangeville City party which was held on Dec. 7. She also commended Ruth Whimpey for the direction of the entertainment. Ware also stated how much she appreciated all for their attendance. She then reported she had been to youth city council that night and they held their tree lighting. Mayor Cox commended Ware for the tremendous work everyone had done for the festivities.
The next agenda item was the report from Councilman Stilson. He reported there was a crossing light out on main street in the school zone. Bean responded to the council they were aware of the problem and Utah Power had been called. Stilson then requested a letter be sent out to all residents concerning vehicles parked on the streets for the winter. All vehicles need to be removed from the city streets to allow for the snow removal equipment to maneuver for the winter season.
Stilson also asked if city employees could check the reflecting capabilities of the signs in town. Nielson informed the council she had been mapping the signage in Orangeville and was nearly finished. She will file the necessary report. Stilson then opened a discussion of the holiday considerations for the city employees. It was decided by the council to do the same as the previous year. Stilson then requested council approval for the animal control officer and himself to attend a three day conference sponsored by the Utah Animal Control Officers Association. The conference is to be held in St. George on Jan. 23-25. The council approved the request.
Stilson informed the council about the vandalism of the Christmas lights around town. He requested everyone be aware of and report immediately any suspicious activity. He also stated this problem is happening in other towns around the county.
Councilman Jeffery Tuttle was next on the agenda with his report on roads, water and sewer departments. For the road department, Tuttle reported that grants and funding were being explored to finance the projected improvements for the 2003 season. There is one CDBG project planned. Tuttle also requested the council consider the water rates in town and come to some agreement as to what can be done to bring them more in line. The council moved to allow the city recorder and treasurer to buy water shares when they come available and to raise the cost of shares.
Mayor Cox was next to report. He informed the council of the statewide average water rates. He also reported water usage for the past summer season was very good. The citizens had worked very hard to conserve.
Councilman Jones requested permission to investigate some certain streetlights he had seen. Ware indicated she knew the ones and provided some answers to Jones.
Ware then requested the council be considering some suggestions for Orangeville Day next June 21.
The next Orangeville City Council meeting will be held on Jan. 9, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. at the city hall.
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