Ferron Dog Licenses
Ferron City Dog Licenses are due Jan. 31. There will be two clinics held for the residents to get their dogs rabies shots. Jan. 16 and 30 from 4-6 p.m. at the Ferron firestation. Licenses will also be available.
Hunting Applications Available Jan. 3
Applications for big game hunting permits for Utah’s 2003 seasons will be available by Jan. 3. Those who applied last year should receive an application in the mail and shouldn’t have to visit any locations. To be included for the draw, applications must be received through the website, or mail no later than 5 p.m. on Jan. 31. You can apply on the internet through the DWR’s website, www.wildlife.utah.gov. For more information call 1-800-221-0659.
Free Trees
Ten free trees will be given to each person who joins the National Arbor Day Foundation during January of 2003. The trees will be shipped postpaid at the right time for planting between Feb. 1 and May 31 with instructions for planting. The six to twelve inch trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free. To become a member of the foundation send a contribution to National Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, Neb. 68410 by Jan. 31.
Veterans, Widows and Dependents
A field representative from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department Service Office will be in your area to assist you in understanding and applying for VA benefits, preparing and documenting application for compensation, pension, hospitalization and other benefits. The officer will be at the Price Workforce Service Center from 8:30-10 a.m. on Jan. 23, 2003.
Emery Telcom, through the Foundation for Rural Education and Development (FRED), is offering students, attending or planning to attend an accredited college, the opportunity to apply for an array of scholarships. Application deadline is Feb. 14. For more information, contact your high school counselor or Sue McNee at 748-2223 or visit FRED’s website at www.fred.org.
Canyon View Jr. High Parent/Teacher Conference
Parent Teacher Conference will be held Jan. 13-14 from 3:30 to 6:30 each night. Part-time teachers that will be available Monday: Jackie Weihing, Mark Hansen, David Bird; Tuesday: Nancy Karpowitz and Reed Fehlberg. Ferd Allred will be available both nights from 5:30-6:30
Schedule for Know your Religion Series
Price,150 South 500 East
Chairperson, Anthony Beals
Programs are on Thursdays and begin at 7:30 p.m.
Jan. 9, Susan Easton Black: Joseph Smith, A Prophet of God
Huntington Stake Center
11 East 200 North
Programs are on Fridays and begin at 7:30 p.m.
Jan 10, Susan Easton Black: Nauvoo on the Eve of the Exodus
Emery County Progress
The newspaper is looking to spotlight the county’s senior citizens. If you know of a senior who would like to tell his/her story, please interview them and send the story and a photo to Emery County Progress: e-mail-progress@etv.net.
Power Wheelchairs
The Three Wishes Program makes available to Senior Citizens (65 years old and up) and the permanently disabled, power wheelchairs at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. The wheelchairs are provided to those who cannot walk and cannot self-propel a manual wheelchair in their home, and who meet the additional guidelines of the program. No deposit required. 1-800-451-0971 for more information or to see if you qualify.