Relay for Life Memory Wall
Residents wishing to have photos displayed during this event, please contact Mary Dickerson at 637-0964.
Cancer Society Daffodil Fundraiser
The American Cancer Society Daffodil Fundraiser will continue through March 1. Contact Cathy Sitterud at 381-5647, Kimberly at 381-2882 or Dana at 748-2578.
Little League Wrestling Signups
In Huntington at Canyon View Junior High on Feb. 18 from 4-6 p.m. In Cleveland/Elmo at Cleveland Elementary Feb. 18-20 from 4-6 p.m. Ferron/Emery at Ferron Elementary on Feb. 18 from 4-6 p.m. Castle Dale/Orangeville at high school wrestling room on Feb. 18 from 4-6 p.m. Registration fee. Late registration OK. Call Ferd or Tina Allred at 687-2370 or Jack Funk at 653-2986.
Cleveland DUP
The Desert Rose Camp will be holding their monthly meeting Feb. 13 at 1:30 p.m. at the city building. Anyone is welcome to attend whether a member or not. We are looking for new members.
Huntington Dog Licenses
Huntington City dog licenses are now due. Proof of current rabies vaccination must be presented before license can be issued. Deadline for dog licenses is March 1. Dog licenses may be purchased at the Huntington City Hall or at the Rabies clinic which will be held at the Huntinton City Fire Station on Feb. 22 from 9a.m.-noon.
Orangeville Dog Licenses
Orangeville dog licenses are due by Feb. 28. Rabies Clinic will be held at Orangeville City’s Fire Station on Feb. 22 from 9 a.m.-noon. After Feb. 28, additional late fees will be assessed.
ACT Exam Deadline
College bound high school students can take the ACT Assessment on Apr. 12, the next nationwide test date. The registration postmark deadline is Mar. 7. Late registration postmark deadline is Mar. 21 (with additional fee required). For more information contact your high school guidance counselor or register online at www.act.org.
Learn About Wolves at Public Meeting
People can learn more about gray wolves and ask Division of Wildlife Resources officials questions about these animals at a public meeting in their area. Southeastern Region meeting to be held at the John Wesley Powell Museum in Green River, Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Benefit Dinner/Dance for Katie Powell Winn
On Feb.15 at the Huntington Elementary a fund raising Spaghetti Dinner will be held in the cafeteria from 5-8 p.m. Dance in the gymnasium to follow dinner with music by Val Jensen band.
Valentines Day Carnival
At Huntington Elementary on Feb. 14 from 5-8 p.m. Fun and games. Everyone Welcome.
Volunteers of America Utah RSVP
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program we need you! If you are 55 or older and have time to serve your community call now. We are looking for Seniors who would like to go to the schools and help with students. We are looking for seniors who would like to crochet booties and hats for babies in our hospitals. If you have time on your hands, even an hour a week we can use you. Call Laurie or Betty at RSVP 381-2765. Our hours are Tuesday thru Thursday 11 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Free Colorado Blue Spruce Trees
Ten free Colorado blue spruce trees will be given to each person who joins The National Arbor Day Foundation during February 2003. The free trees are part of the nonprofit Foundation’s Trees for America campaign. To become a member of the Foundation and receive the free trees, send a contribution to TEN FREE COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE TREES, National Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Avenue, Nebraska City, NE 68410, by Feb. 28.
Museum of Church History and Art
New exhibit: Primary Makes Me Happy: A Celebration of 125 Years of Primary. Museum hours: Mon.-Fri.-9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sat., Sun. and most holidays-10 a.m.-7 p.m. For more information call 801-240-3310.
Scholarship Application Deadlines
University of Utah, Utah State University, Utah Valley State College and Weber State University – Feb. 1. Brigham Young Univerisity and BYU Idaho (Ricks College) – Feb. 15. College of Eastern Utah, Dixie State College, Salt Lake Community College, Snow College and Snow College South – Mar. 1. LDS Business College – Mar. 15. Stevens-Henegar Business College – Apr. 15. Westminster College is open and Applied Technology Centers varies.
Scout and Cub Scout Leaders
Attention Scout and Cub Scout leaders! Roundtable will be held on Feb. 13 at the Castle Dale Stake Center at 7:30 p.m. Please make arrangements to attend.
Utah Symphony and Opera at Emery County Schools
Apprentice Artists will be performing during the week of Feb.10-14. Ferron Elementary, Feb. 10, Huntington Elementary, Feb. 11, and Castle Dale Elementary, Feb. 13. Workshops will follow the performances at Ferron and Huntington Elementaries. On Feb. 12, the Apprentice Artists will perform at Emery High and at Canyon View Junior High on Feb. 14. The five day residency will culminate in a free public concert on Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m. In the Emery High Auditorium.
Scholarship Publication Reveals Sources
Students and parents may receive a full color publication on how to receive academic funding by sending an email to NationalAcademicFunding@attbi.com and entering “Scholarship Information” in the subject line. The publication will automatically be sent to you. Those without computer access can receive the publication by contacting NAFA, 188 Summer Street, Dept. 13, Portsmouth, NH 03801.
Miss Emery County Scholarship Pageant
Miss Emery County Scholarship Pageant is now seeking girls, ages 17-24, interested in participating. Call Natalie Blackwell, 384-3184 or Sabrina Ungerman 687-2642 to sign up. Workshops begin March 1.
Huntington DUP
Huntington DUP will meet on Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. at the Huntington Senior Center for a special Valentine meeting.
Veterans, Widows and Dependents
A Field Service Officer from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept. Service Office will be in the area to assist you in understanding and applying for rightful VA benefits, preparing and documenting application for compensation, pension, hospitalization and other benefits. This is a free service and veterans need not be members of VFW to qualify for assistance. Price Workforce Service Center, Feb. 20 from 8:30-10 a.m.
Cleveland Dog Licenses
A reminder to Cleveland residents that they are required to license their dogs by Feb. 28. All dogs must have proof of current rabies shots to be licensed. Dog owners failing to comply will be charged a late fee in addition to licensing fees. The town will sponsor one rabies clinic on Feb. 22 from 1-3 p.m. at the Cleveland cemetery storage building, 200 North 600 East. Dr Jensen will be the vet.
Religious Poems Sought
The Bards of Burbank is offering a cash grand prize in their religious competition 2003 free to everyone. The deadline for entering is Feb. 15. To enter, send one poem 21 lines or less: Free Poetry Contest, PMB250, 2219 W Olive Ave. , Burbank, CA 91506, you may enter on-line at www.freecontest.com.
Unemployment Insurance Extension
On Jan. 8 President Bush signed a bill extending Unemployment Insurance benefits through May 31. This new extension does not grant additional weeks for individuals who have exhausted their Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation eligibility. To file for unemployment benefits, phone 1-888-848-0688. Claimants can also file for benefits on-line at jobs.utah.gov.
Domestic Challenge!
The domestic Challenge is a 90-day competition geared to helping homemakers across the state of Utah organize their domestic responsibilities. Participants email The Organize Enterprise at Orgenterprise@aol.com to request a copy of the rules for the competition and the 10 strategies for organized living. Participants implement the 10 strategies for 90 days, taking before and after pictures and writing before and after essays. There will be five categories raging from already organized to desperately disorganized and a winner will be selected from each category. There wil be no cost involved for the participants or obligations of any kind.
For further information, contact The Organize Enterprise at Orgenterprise@aol.com.