Southeastern Utah Off Highway Vehicle Club is not in agreement with the BLMs new travel plan, but they are continuing to educate the public about the laws, including safety while riding and encouraging enthusiasts to know the laws and obey them. The group recognizes that a few bad riders will give all the ATV people a bad name. It is the goal of SEUOHVC to promote multiple land use and mutual respect for all involved in the sport of ATV riding.
On March 7, the group is sponsoring a safety course for young people. Utah law states that young riders must pass this course to be certified to drive an ATV. This class will be held March 7 with pre-registration (mandatory) at Emery County Recreation Center. Riding instruction will be March 8.
Also, March 29, the club sponsors the “Swell Cure for Cabin Fever.” This ride is the fourth annual poker ride and it will tour the scenic San Rafael Swell.
Later in the summer, Aug. 13-16, SEUOHVC is hosting the first annual Arapeen Trail Jamboree. This celebration will welcome riders from all over the United States to come and experience the beauty of southeast Utah. The group is hoping to spur the county economy while at the same time introducing Emery County to new faces.
The club is interested in public land issues and they have an informative website that can be accessed to find current road information at
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