The Green River City council met on Feb. 11 in their regularly scheduled meeting. Mayor Glen Dale Johnson opened the meeting with an invitation to citizens to voice any concerns. Mindy Cassingham expressed her concern that the visitor center at the John Wesley Powell River History Museum was still unstaffed, and plans were not to staff it until after June. She felt that the visitor center was an important resource for the business community, and needed to be staffed before the start of the tourist season.
Joni Pace from the Community Center took this time to present an Outstanding Service Award to Howard Hastings for the support and assistance that he has given freely to the Community Center since it has been opened.
Pace also reported that the first shipment of items for the Kid’s Caf� would arrive soon. The Kid’s Caf� at the Community Center will provide a meal at 5 p.m. during their study period. It would teach children to prepare a meal, how to use proper meal manners and clean up.
Pace also reported that Green River Medical Center Board voted to pass the resolution to expand their services to Moab.
Chris Larsen spoke to the council about placement of the Skate Board Park. She encouraged them to make a decision soon for the safety of the kids.
Terry Coppin reported that her horseback riding 4-H class this past summer was a success and wanted to thank the council for their participation and for the Community Center for their help. She reported that she also has a young women’s program working with assistance from the Community Center. The program teaches these young women patience and self-esteem, and has been very beneficial for those participating.
Brian Hawthorn reported on the recent decisions by BLM on wilderness study areas. It is still not too late to make comments to the BLM, and he encouraged interested persons in the area to do so. Some city council members expressed interest, and suggested a special public meeting. A tentative date was set for Feb. 18 at 6 p.m.
Howard Johansen from Johansen and Tuttle Engineering reported on studies for curb and gutter on south Long Street and south Solomon Street near the elementary school. After much consideration, the council decided to advertise bids for both projects, implement the project on south Solomon Street as soon as possible, and delay the south Long Street project until fall.
Mike Winters from Charter Communications reported on the past year’s progress and gave some information on plans they have for the coming year. Plans include 12 new channels including KUWB from Salt Lake City. He also thanked the city and Mindy Cassingham for the operation of the local broadcast channel.
After much discussion with those in attendance and among the council, it was decided to place the Skate Board Park at the north ball fields as originally planned.
Christine Monroe requested that the city participate in becoming a “Utah Community of Promise.” The Council approved their participation and agreed to attend a training meeting on Feb. 26, and a dinner on March 19.
In other agenda business, the council approved a beer license for Ben’s Caf�, tabled the decision on the little league park, passed a termination agreement with Claircom Communications for use of property at the airport, tabled action on changes to the lease agreement with Green River Medical Center, agreed to send the proposed changes to the nuisance ordinance to their attorney to prepare for approval, and also to go forward with an ordinance required by Utah State law for the taking of private property by government.
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