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BYU Summer Sports and Dance Camps

Registration is now underway for all summer sports and dance camps at Brigham Young University. To receive a full listing of camps and workshops or to register, visit http://sportscamps.byu.edu or call 801-378-4851.

Rocky Mountain School of Baseball

The Rocky Mountain School of Baseball is accepting applications for the spring Super League 2003 season. Deadline for registration is April 1. The age divisions are as follows: 8-9, 10-u, 11-u, 12-u, 13-u, 14-u, and 15-u. For more information log on to www.rmsbb.com or call toll free, 1-877-272-0862.

Texas Mission Reunion

Texas Mission 1967-1970 Pres. E.C. Howe Reunion April 4 at Taylorsville North Stake Center, 1250 West Atherton Drive, Taylorsville, 6 p.m. refreshments, 7:15 p.m. program. To Atherton Drive go to 4500 South; go west to approximately 4400 West, turn on to Atherton Drive. For information call 801-266-0915.

First “I Did It” Anti Tobacco Walk

The Utah Department of Health is holding its first “I Did It!” Anti-Tobacco Walk. All former smokers, friends and families, and those who want to quit smoking are invited to take part. The walk will be held March 29 at 9 a.m. at the northeast end of Liberty Park, 700 East 1300 South, in Salt Lake City. Registration is NOT required and there is no cost for participation. For additional information call Mark or Kelli at 801-519-8880 or visit www.ididit.tv.

Scholarship Deadline Extended

The application deadline for the 2003 Free Enterprise Scholars Award has been extended to March 31. NFIB Free Enterprise Scholars Awards are offered to high school seniors who have demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and initiative. Eligibility is limited to freshmen entering an accredited two or four-year university/college, community college or vocational/technical institute. Applications are available online at www.nfibeducationfoundation.org.

D.R.O.P.S Has Moved

New location for the D.R.O.P.S. deliveries is the food bank in Castle Dale, 40 South Center Street. Sign up begins from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. ondrops days. First come, first served.

Veterans, Widows and Dependents

A Field Service Officer from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department Service Office in Salt Lake city, will be in your area to assist you in understanding and applying for rightful VA benefits. The VFW Officer will be working out of Price Workforce Service Center from 8:30-10:30 a.m on April 10.

Free Diabetes Clinics

Get screened for Diabetes at free clinics held throughout Utah during March Alert. For information and a list of screening dates, times and locations, call the Utah Department of Health Resource Line at 1-888-222-2542 or the ADA at 1-888-DIABETES.

A Swell Cure For Cabin Fever

Fourth annual poker ride in Utah’s scenic San Rafael, March 29. Registration from 8 a.m.-noon. For more information call 435-381-2493, 384-2264 or 384-2749.

CEU Scholarship Deadline

College of Eastern Utah Alumni Association announces that there are two tuition scholarships available through the Alumni Association for the 2003-04 school year. These scholarships are made possible through proceeds from the CEU Alumni Wildman Golf Tournament held last fall. Applications and informational brochures are available at the counselors office at Emery High. The application deadline is April 1.

Days of ’47 Pageant

The Emery Company and County Camps of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers are looking for young women that are eligible to compete in the Days of ’47 Queen Pageant. You must be at least 18 years of age and have pioneer ancestors that came to Utah before 1869. If anyone is interested please contact Karen Huntsman at 381-5445 or any of the captains of the Emery County camps for further details.

Mesquite Senior Games

If you are 45 years old or older and love to compete in sports activities, the Mesquite Senior Games are for you. The games will be held April 28-May 4 and present twelve sports for competition; basketball, tennis, golf, softball, bowling, fun walk, sporting clays, archery, horseshoes and track and field. For more information and to register, call 702-346-0244, or log on to www.mesquiteseniorgames.com.

Forest Service Announces Grant Opportunities

The US Forest Service’s State and Private Forestry Office and Utah State Forester announced that communities may begin applying for 2003 Rural Community Assistance and National Fire Plan Economic Action Program grants. Applications will be accepted through March 31. Grant information and materials are available on the web at www.fs.fed.us/r1-r4/spf/utah/index/html.

Narconon Information

Through our hotline and website we offer free assessments and over 11,000 local referrals. If you or someone you know has a drug or alcohol addiction call Narconon today at (800) 468-6933 or email us at www.stopaddiction.com.

Relay for Life Memory Wall

Residents wishing to have photos displayed during this event, please contact Mary Dickerson at 637-0964.

Volunteers of America Utah RSVP

Retired and Senior Volunteer Prorgam we need you! If you are 55 of older and have time to serve your community call now. We are looking for seniors who would like to go to the schools and help with students. We are looking for seniors who would like to crochet booties and hats for babies in our hospitals. If you have time on your hands, even an hour a week we can use you. Call Laurie or Betty at RSVP 381-2765. Our hours are Tues.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Museum of Church History and Art

New exhibit: Primary Makes Me Happy: A Celebration of 125 Years of Primary. Museum hours: Mon.-Fri.-9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sat., Sun. and most holidays-10 a.m.-7 p.m. For more information call 801-240-3310.

Scholarship Application Deadlines

Apr. 15. Westminster College is open and Applied Technology Centers varies.

Scholarship Publication Reveals Sources

Students and parents may receive a full color publication on how to receive academic funding by sending an email to NationalAcademicFunding@attbi.com and entering “Scholarship Information” in the subject line. The publication will automatically be sent to you. Those without computer acces can receive the publication by contacting NAFA, 188 Summer Street, Dept. 13, Portsmouth, NH 03801.

Veterans, Widows and Dependents

A Field Service Officer from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept. Service Office will be in the area to assist you in understanding and applying for rightful VA benefits, preparing and documenting application for compensation, pension, hospitalization and other benefits. This is a free service and veterans need not be members of VFW to qualify for assistance. Price Workforce Service Center, Mar. 20 from 8:30-10 a.m.

Unemployment Insurance Extension

On Jan. 8 President Bush signed a bill extending Unemployment Insurance benefits through May 31. This new extension does not grant additional weeks for individuals who have exhausted their Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation eligibility. To file for unemployment benefits, phone 1-888-848-0688. Claimants can also file for benefits on-line at jobs.utah.gov.

Firefighter Web Site

American Firefighter Today is an online news and information publication developed for firefighters and rescue personnel. Visitors to www.americanfirefightertoday.com may explore the site for one month free.

Uncle Sam Anwers Everyday Questions

Get the information you need from the new Federal Citizen Information Center, formerly the Federal Consumer Information Center. When you need information on the programs, services and benefits of the federal government, just call 1-800-333-4636 or visit www.FirstGov.gov and get the answers you can trust.

Gina Bachauer International Amateur Piano Competition

Competition will be held June 16-21 at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square with the Bachauer International Piano Festival preceding it June 7-14. Applications due Feb. 1 and include a recorded audition. Applicants must be 33 or older and not derive their principal income as professional musicians. For more information, visit www.bachauer.com or call (801) 297-4250.

Cancer and Treatment Information

Intermountain Health Care has introduced an online resource center for information about cancer and the treatment of cancer. Log on to www.ihc.com and click on the IHC Cancer Services link.

Progress Photos

The Emery County Progress is requesting everyone who has brought in photos to be used in the newspaper to pick up those photos. The hours are 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.

Foster Care Families

The Utah Foster Care Foundation is encouraging Utahns to strengthen families by becoming foster parents. For more information call 1-877-505-KIDS or log on to the website at www.utahfostercare.org.

Ballet Repertory Ensemble

Annual Spring concert, Apr. 24-26, classical dance forms, Apr. 25-28, contemporary dance forms, CEU Geary Theater at 7:30 p.m.

AARP Utah Seeks Volunteers to Prepare Tax Returns

AARP Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest, free, volunteer run tax counseling and prepartation service is seeking volunteers of all ages who want to learn tax law and prepare tax returns for taxpayers of low-to-moderate income, with special attention to those over 60. Call toll-free 1-888-227-7669. When prompted, select Tax-Aide program and the select Volunteer Recruitment program. Leave your name and number. You will be contacted by a Utah Tax-Aide volunteer.

H.E.A.T. Progam

Do you pay your own heating costs? Need help with your heating bill? Get in touch with H.E.A.T. You must meet certain income qualifications and will need to provide proof of income and expenses. Apply Nov. 1, 2002 to Mar. 29 at the Emery County Community Center, 40 South Center, Castle Dale. Call 381-5410 for an appointment.

Schedule for Know your Religion Lecture Series

150 South 500 East
Chairperson, Anthony Beals
Programs are on Thursdays and begin at 7:30 p.m.
Apr. 10, David E. Bokovoy – One Eternal Round: A Survey of God’s Plan of Happiness
Registration codes for this series: 23659-03adult season pass, 23659-04student season pass
Huntington Stake Center
11 East 200 North
Programs are on Fridays and begin at 7:30 p.m.
Apr. 11, David E. Bokovoy – Modern Revelation and the Ancient World
Registration codes for this series: 23659-03adult season pass,23659-04 student season

American Heritage Education Foundation

Our American Heritage Education Foundation is launching a nationwide effort to place fact-based historical information on the Vietnam War era in high schools.
High school or college educators need only to provide their name, phone, details of their course including student load, as well as a physical mailing address to receive a free package of materials. Included are VHS tapes, DVD set, a CD-rom, and a bound Educator Guide. E-mail requests to chairman@ourvaluescount.com. To find out more, call Kate at 1-800-536-5920.

Epilepsy Foundation Need for Awareness

Epilepsy is among the most common neurological conditions of childhood. Yet young people and their families often find that age-old stereotypes and misconceptions about it can be more difficult to cope with than the disorder itself. To provide support and information, the Foundation offers a toll free number, 1-800-338-1000 or visit the website at www.epilepsyfoundation.org.

Power Wheelchairs

The Three Wishes Program makes available to Senior Citizens (65 years old and up) and the permanently disabled, power wheelchairs at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. The wheelchairs are provided to those who cannot walk and cannot self-propel a manual wheelchair in their home, and who meet the additional guidelines of the program. No deposit required. 1-800-451-0971 for more information or to see if you qualify.

Utah Arts Council Will Speak

Members of the Utah Arts Council’s Board of Directors are available to speak to local groups about the importance of utilizing economic tools found in the arts to strengthen Utah communities. If your group is interested in learning more about how the arts are important to economic prosperity, contact Jerald Holyoak, 801-328-5047, or the Utah Arts Council at 801-236-7552 for more information.

Consumer Information Catalog

A new Consumer Information Catalog is available at no cost. This catalog contains a variety of information to help save you money and answer your questions. It can be obtained by calling 1-888-8PUEBLO, that’s 1-888-878-3256, weekdays 8 a.m. -8 p.m. ET., or visit www.pueblo.gsa.gov to order.

U.S.D.A. Website for Those Needing Hay

USDA has developed an internet website for producers of livestock that “need/have” hay, haying or grazing available. The website is located at www.fsa.usda.gov and has a quick link titled FSA HayNet. This is available to assist livestock producers in finding needed hay or grazing.

Albuterol Products Available

The In Home Rx Program makes available breathing medications and Nebulizers to patients who may have Asthma, Emphysema or COPD at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. If you are an oxygen user at home or have severe problems with breathing conditions, please call for more information to see if you qualify. 1-800-344-5764 or visit the website www.inhomerx.com.

Support Group

Bringing hope to single moms support group and self-reliance class now being offered in Castle Dale. Open to the public free of charge. It will be held on Thursday evenings from 7-8 p.m. There will be on site child care available with prior notice. The course offers self-reliance skills, recourses, skills on setting up a safety net and starting a new life plan. For more information call Jennifer at 381-2827 or Jackie at 637-5542.

Clinic For Women

Southeastern Utah District Health Department is offering a clinic for women between the age 40- 64. Get a private check-up by a female provider. Get a pap test and breast exam. Receive a free mammogram voucher. Women must meet age and income guideline to qualify for a free exam and mammogram. For more information call 381-2252.

Emery County Landfill

Business hours for the Emery County Landfill are Tuesday-Friday., 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. and on Saturday, 8 a.m- 4:15 p.m. Closed on Mondays. For questions call 381-2719.

Sportsmen’s Banquet

The annual banquet for Sportsmen for Habitat will take place on Mar. 29, in the BDAC in Price. Doors open at 5 p.m. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. For more information contact Jim Gilson at 381-2883, David Hussey at 637-9663 or Shane Thompson at 384-2615.

DUP Convention

Carbon and Emery Companies will hold the annual convention Saturday, March 29 at the Museum of the San Rafael in Castle Dale. Book sales begin at 8 a.m. Officers’ Meeting at 9 a.m.General Meeting at 10 a.m., followed by a luncheon (small charge) All members of DUP in the Carbon-Emery area, and any others who are interested, are welcome to attend. Come, and bring a friend!

Historical Society

The Emery County Historical Society will host its monthly meeting on March 27 at 7 p.m. at the Museum of the San Rafael. William and Donna Smart, award winning authors from the Utah Humanities Council will talk about their book “Over the Rim” the story of Parley P. Pratt’s explorations of southern Utah. The Utah Humanities Council hosted by the Emery Historical Society promotes history and heritage along with books and reading. William Holdaway will entertain with musical selections and refreshments will be served.

Orangeville Pee-Wee

Orangeville Pee-Wee league sign-ups will be held April 10, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Orangeville City Hall for ages 4-7. For more information call 748-2741 or 748-2444.

ATV Class

Off Highway Vehicle class will be held April 8 at 7 p.m. at the Emery County Recreation Center, 75 South 400 East in Castle Dale. Children ages 8-15 must be certified to operate ATVs on public lands. For more information contact Emery Rec, 381-2108 or Mark H. Williams, 381-2493.

Good Will Rider Sign-Ups

An information and sign up meeting will be held March 27 in the Castle Dale Courthouse Commission Chambers for volunteers for the Good Will Riders program. This is an instructional and safety program for ATV users in the Manti-LaSal forests.

Castle Dale Pool

Season opening will be April 1. Schedule: Open swim-Monday and Wednesday from 4-7 p.m. and Saturdays Noon-7 p.m. Family Night Monday from 7-9 p.m. Aquasize Monday-Friday from 8-9 a.m.

Castle Dale Book Fair

“Clued Into Reading” Castle Dale Elementary’s book fair will be April 9 from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m., April 10 from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and April 11 from 8:30a.m.-3 p.m. Dads and Donuts will be April 11 at 7:30 a.m.

Families Connected

First meeting for the Emery County Support Council for children with emotional and mental challenges, March 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Castle Dale Elementary. For information and to R.S.V.P. call Gretsel Ungerman, outreach coordinator, 1-435-749-1949. Free child care and refreshments.

Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio (Ham) VE Testing Session will be held on March 26 at 7 p.m. in the Sheriffs Substation, in Huntington (south end of the Hometown Market). Contact Bret Mills at 1-435-381-5026 or 1-435-636-5678.

Babe Ruth Baseball

Sign ups for 13,14, & 15 year olds county wide will be held March 26 from 5-8 p.m. Held in Emery County Recreation Center located at 75South 400East, Castle Dale. Birth Certificates required!

Ferron Babe Ruth

Sign-ups for Ferron Babe Ruth baseball for ages 7-12 will be March 25 at city hall from 6-8 p.m. Contact Jason at 384-3579 or Loran at 384-3300.

Free Blood Glucose Checks

Is your Diabetes control on target? Do you have a family history of Diabetes? Do you have any signs of symptoms of Diabetes, such as increased thirst or polyuria? The Emery Medical Center will have Free Blood Glucose checks March 28 from 1-3 p.m. Pam Konakis a Certified Diabetes Educator from Castleview Hospital will be at the clinic to answer your questions about Diabetes and check your blood sugar levels.

Castle Country Spring Festival

Castle Country Spring Festival Arts and Crafts Fair will be held March 28 from 1-7 p.m. and March 29 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Emery County Recreation Center in Castle Dale. There will be entertainment, food, door prizes, giveaways, handcrafted items, candles, books, furniture, cosmetics, RVs, scrapbook supplies and much, much more.

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