The board of the Emery Water Conservancy District tentatively set the allocation numbers for project water. In their April meeting, members discussed the snow pack and the effect of the recent storms on the pack numbers.
Jay Mark Humphrey informed the board of the snowfall amounts recorded for the previous day. Red Pine Ridge is 72 percent and Mammoth-Cottonwood is 71 percent. Humphrey reported that the numbers are looking a little better but we are by no means out of trouble. The state forecast is due in 7-10 days.
Humphrey explained that shareholders are beginning to inquire about the allocation for the summer months and requested the board to begin the process to set the percentages. After a review of the information, the board decided to tentatively set the project water allocation at 70 percent. This decision will be reviewed again at the May meeting and the final allocation will be made at that time.
Humphrey also requested that the board look at a situation above the Huntington Power Plant. He stated that the amount of water being released for the plant’s use and the numbers on their reports do not coincide. He suggested the board consider building a weir in the stream directly above the power plant to measure the water going in more accurately. Humphrey stressed the need to have the plant call for the water they need in the same manner as required of other users
Installation of the weir would require 40 yards of concrete and cost the district $15,000 but this investment would alleviate questions in the usage amounts by the power plant. Kay Jensen responded to the board that he would take care of the instructions for the calling for water.
Other actions taken by the board that evening were to approve sending a letter requesting the closure of the San Rafael River basin to any new appropriations. Also the district is on a 90 day extension with their insurance company for services. The board instructed Humphrey to investigate and acquire bids for insurance coverage from other companies.
The weirs above Joe’s Valley Reservoir on Seely Creek and Lowery Water are not accurate when the water levels are low. The board approved taking action to rectify the situation with the weirs. A list was reviewed on which the names of shareholders whose original stock certificates with the number of shares do not match the number on record with the district. They were discussed on an individual basis. Humphrey explained that there is no reason for the discrepancy and no one knows how it has happened but the situation needs to be remedied.
Craig Johansen updated the board about the wild and scenic river designations. The Cottonwood Creek and Huntington canal lining project is approximately 60 percent complete. The board was notified that an encroachment agreement for the north ditch trash screen project needs their signatures. Culverts for the Muddy Irrigation project have been purchased.
To end the meeting, the existing board was reinstalled to serve the upcoming year, Lee McElprang, chairman, Morris Sorenson, vice-chairman, Nick Sampino, counsel and Jay Mark Humphrey, manager.
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