Participants look over the prizes at the poker run. |
On the clear sunny morning of March 29, some local and some not so local ATV riders came together to enjoy the Swell and raise money to help with the fight to keep public lands open for ATV use. Two hundred and fifty riders from Utah, Colorado and Nevada began the day’s activities by registering and beginning the 30 mile loop known as the Swell Cure for Cabin Fever. The SouthEastern Utah Off Highway Vehicle Club sponsored the fourth annual event which gives participants the opportunity to observe the magnificence of the San Rafael. Not only do the riders get great photo ops, but they can come away with some accessories for the next ride. Many local businesses donated prizes and the riders with the best poker hands aquired during the ride were able to select the item they could use. SEUOHVC had stationed members at five check points and each rider drew a card at each checkpoint to form the best poker hand. Riders from the Carbon Club, Sand Rock Ridge Riders from Fillmore, Motorcycle Trail Riders Association from Colorado, Utah ATV Association from Salt Lake, a couple from Nevada and UTMA from Spanish Fork took part in the Swell Cure For Cabin Fever.Derek Dowsett was on hand to film the experience to be aired on KJAZZ TV during the At Your Leisure program Sunday’s at 5:30 p.m.