Cleaning out several springs which supply water to the North Emery Water Users Special Service District was a much discussed topic at their monthly meeting April 3. Several springs have become innundated with roots and this overgrowth is causing a loss of water.
Surrounding vegetation in the form of roots has hampered the flow of Rilda and Big Ben Springs. The board discussed different ways to remove the roots in and around the springs. The forest service will not allow any new installation of collection pipes so it is imperative that the old ones be maintained and cleaned out. Necessary replacement of existing pipes will be allowed.
The board approved the proposal to move ahead with the cleaning and investigate with the forest service other ways to prohibit the vegetation surrounding the springs to continue to hamper their flow. It is critical at this time to conserve and utilize all the water that is available for the districts use.
Craig Johansen reported to the board that he has been doing computer runs on the new tie-in system. The computer can pinpoint pressure problems before the problem comes about. The reports also give recommendations on where to work the system and how to alleviate the inconsistencies and keep the system running smoothly. These computer runs also give an estimate of the maximum number of hookups that a particular leg of the system will handle efficiently.
Jack Stoyanoff reported on the Goverment Accounting Standards Board workshop he had attended. He said there will be five more meetings to be held around the state and suggests that everyone on the board attend one if possible. The workshops detail the responsibilities of the members of the board for the internal control and handling of the money for the district. They also teach board member ethics.
The board acted on many other items during the meeting. The first was a public hearing concerning the CIB application. No representative from the public was present with questions or comments, so the public hearing was closed.
The board also approved a connection application on South Flat. Laura Fillmore presented the board a sample of a newletter and suggested that this be the model adopted for NEWUSSDs proposal to send newsletters. Randy Bell questioned the board about the possibility of selling the Ditch Witch. Since the district does not utilize the machine anymore, it was suggested to have it appraised and ready it for sale.
Several items of incorrect billing or inquiry came before the board. These items are not in their juridisdiction and Fillmore was instructed where to direct the questions. The board also approved and accepted the minutes from the March 6 meeting and paid the bills.
The next meeting for the NEWUSSD is May 1 at 7 p.m.
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