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Republican Party Organizing Convention




Mark Shurtliff, Utah attorney general with Connie Gilbert vice chair, Bell Dellos, parliamentarian, Karen Dellos, secretary.

The Republican Party organizing convention was held recently at the Huntington Elementary School. The organizing was well attended by the party faithful. Chairman Tony Conder has recently resigned due to conflicts with his employment schedule, so Connie Gilbert the vice chairman called the meeting to order. After an opening prayer, a pledge of allegiance, and singing the Star Spangled Banner, led by Katherine Singleton and accompanied by Evelyn Huntsman, the meeting got down to business. Connie Gilbert introduced the guests, Senator Bob Bennett, Mark Shurtliff,
Utah Attorney General, Parley Hellewell, candidate for govenor, and Fred Lampropoulos, candidate for govenor.
The treasurers report was read by Steve Barton, because Elaine Hatch was out of town. Bill Dellos explained the convention rules and procedures. The county nominating committees report was given by Connie Gilbert. The committee recommended: Bill Dellos for chairman, Phil Fauver for vice chairman, Karen Dellos for secretary, and Elaine Hatch for treasurer. Then the meeting was opened up for nominations from the floor. There were no nominations from the floor.The candidates for chairman, vice chairman, secretary, and treasurer, were accepted by acclamation.
Erik Anderson from Emery was nominated and elected as delegate at large to the State of Utah Republican Party, central committee. He will be taking the place of Phil Fauver who has been elected vice chairman of the county Republican party and will automatically be expected to attend the state central committee meetings with Bill Dellos. Two proposed changes to the Emery County Republican Party by-laws were introduced and voted down by those in attendance.
These proposed changes were as follows: 1.Should the county Republican party authorize the use of alternate delegates to the County conventions or to the State conventions. 2. Should elected Emery County officials holding public office be automatically designated delegates to the County or State conventions.In the latter, if elected officials wish to be delegates, they should be elected by their local caucus. The guests were given an opportunity to speak and voice their opinions.
Senator Bob Bennett, said that he had just came from holding a town meeting in Price. Senator Bennett indicated that he was glad to be in friendly territory again. Senator Bennett gave encouraging words to those who work during elections, to help candidates become elected.
Mark Shurtliff, attorney general told of getting an email that called him the eternal general. He also related two success stories about RS-2477 an issue about roads in Utah that was successfully accomplished by bringing all parties to the table. He also reported a success with wilderness land issues.He said “The Babbott Handbook is no longer lawful.
Parley Hellewell candidate for governor told the audience of his concern about rural land issues, education, transportation, and unjustifiable taxes.He wants to work for sensible federal and state polices in the management of public lands within Utah.He believes the state needs a better water policy that looks to the future needs of Utah residents. He also indicated the state should not be allowed to compete with private business.
Fred Lampropoulos, candidate for governor told the group that Utah needs to look within itself and develop businesses from within the state rather than spending our tax dollars on bringing businesses here from other states, that stay for a short time and then move on. The State of Utah Republican Party Convention will be held Aug. 23.

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