Dear Editor,
In response to the Emery County commissioners approval of a $25,000 payment to Keith Allred during the commission meeting on Sept. 16, Clerk Funk was correct in his assessment of the opinion of this citizen of Emery County. As a citizen of Emery County, I strongly oppose this payment. Given that we are living in a very lean economy, resulting in paying more taxes and receiving less services, this is not a wise allotment of public funds.
First, if the Emery County Commissioners would have stood by their promise that a monument would not be pursued unless it was the will of the citizens of Emery County, Mr. Allred’s services would not have been necessary. Why did Emery County hire Mr. Allred to conduct a “nationwide” survey, considering we were told that the monument would be pursued only if the citizens of Emery County were in favor of this action?
Second, why did Emery County hire a person from Harvard to tell us what is in our backyard?
Third, before any payment is made, did Emery County receive services from Mr. Allred that was worth $25,000? I find it extremely hard to believe that Mr. Allred’s meeting with various user groups would be worth an expense to the citizens of Emery County totaling $25,000.
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