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Letter to the Editor: Spanish Language Invasion

By TODD NEUFELD Oklahoma City

Dear Editor
Within this past year, Oklahoma has experienced a Spanish language invasion. Our ATM machines are now asking us if we want this in english or Spanish, Walmart and Home Depot are experimenting with bilingual labels, Lowes has put Spanish signs in its store in Claremore, Okal., KAUT43 and KOKH TV 25 have been airing Spanish translation commercials, OETA13 has Spanish shows on for preschoolers, KSBI 52 is going bilingual as well, drivers exams are being given in Spanish, and my childs mathbook has a Spanish glossary in the back of it. I’m fairly certain that if we wanted to live in Mexico, then we would all move to Mexico, including the hispanic population. No one has the right to enter our country illegally, and then invade our homes or our businesses with a foreign language. Despite the fact that an overwhelming percentage of the population opposes this trend, we have a handful of corporations and politicians that seem intent on forcing us to accept it. We don’t have to accept anything! Last time I checked, we still run this country, not Mexico.
We have already done more for Mexico, than a lesser nation would have done at great expense to our own economy. What the government doesn’t tell you about the unemployment figures, is that it doesn’t include the thousands of spouses who have lost their factory jobs, and have chosen to stay home, rather than search for a lower paying minimum wage job.
The real danger here goes far beyond the economic realities. If illegal immigration is allowed to go unchecked, then we will have effectively allowed another country to just walk right in, and turn America into what they want it to be. There will be enormous consequences that most people have not even considered.
1) They will eventually want their own spanish speaking schools. We can barely afford to maintain the schools that we already have.
2) Hispanic kids will have a distinct advantage in getting the higher paying bilingual jobs. Already police departments are paying more for bilingual officers, and passing up for promotion nonbilingual officers. Our kids should not have to learn another countries language in order to get the best jobs in their own country!
3) There is a real possibility that the border states may try to secede from the union someday, if we don’t almost completely stop immigration, and Americanize the ones that are here already.
4) Our highway signs will eventually go bilingual.
5) Our kids will begin to grow up thinking that Spanish language and culture is the real America, and we all know that it is not.
Every country has mountains, valleys, fields and streams, but what defines a country is language and culture. We all know that Spanish language and culture is not American, but they are slowly trying to convince us that it is. Our kids will eventually believe this. We all have our heritage, but most of us call ourselves Americans, not Mexican Americans.
Now, the minority of people who see nothing wrong with this, will use the old argument that we are all descended from immigrants. This is true, except for maybe the Native Americans. Immigration was fine in the past when we needed to populate the country and take advantage of its resources, but now it has become a liability. When they start putting Spanish signs in our stores, then its time to take action! Although we have every legal right to deport non citizens, there may be a better way to handle this problem.
Every member of Congress and every governor in the lower 48, now has a plan in their possession to control this problem. This plan does not create a humanitarian crisis in Mexico by sending them all home at the same time, but it does take advantage of a bad situation, and gradually takes control of the problem while helping us economically.
You can see this plan at www.politicalforum.com, look at other political issues, click immigration, click illegal immigration, go to the second page, it is the sixth post down. I would urge you to contact your congressmen over the next several months, and let them know that some version of this plan should be implemented.
If nothing else, then please urge them to enforce our current immigration laws.
If congress still doesn’t get the message, then we should launch a taxpayers revolt. This means that no matter who is elected president, if we don’t see a plan to eliminate bilingualism, and crack down on illegal immigration within 60 days of taking office, then everyone who owes federal taxes should file an extension and not pay their taxes till something is done.
If the hispanic population decides to try to dissuade Congress by threatening an economic boycott, then we should cancel NAFTA and start massive interior enforcement. We have been far too nice, for far too long, and now look what is happening! We should also automatically vote every member of Congress out of office, regardless of other factors and political affiliation, until they get the message! It seems that they currently care more about the hispanic vote, than they do ours. In a democracy, Congress must listen to the majority. There is no way to make everyone completely happy.
Lastly, it is important to note that this is not a racial issue. African Americans will be at a disadvantage as well, in getting the higher paying bilingual jobs. If Germany was on our border invading our country illegally, and turning America into Germany, then it would be exactly the same problem.

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