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Are you registered to Vote? Election Day on Nov. 2.

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Utah Election Registration
Requirements: Be a United States citizen. Be a resident of Utah for at least 30 days immediately before the next election. Be at least 18 years old on the day of the next election.
Have your principal place of residence in a specific voting precinct in Utah. A person who has been convicted of a felony whose right to vote has not been restored as provided by law may not register to vote while incarcerated.
How to Register:
1. Qualified persons may register with the county clerk Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. You may register up to seven days immediately before an election. You may register during the next seven days but may not vote in the pending election because you have registered to late. 2. By-mail forms postmarked at least 20 days before the election and received at least seven days before the election will be processed by the county clerk. 3. Qualified persons may register when getting or renewing a drivers license or when they receive service from a public assistance agency. 4. First time registrants in Emery County must provide proof of I.D. or residence. 5. Satellite registrars may register qualified persons who reside in the county from 8 a.m. -8p.m. on the following dates and locations: Satellite Registration Dates and Locations Oct. 22 and 25 at Ferron City Hall, Huntington City Hall Emery County Clerk/Auditor, county building, Emery County/Sheriff’s Complex in Green River.
You should register if:
1. You have married and your last name has changed. 2. You have moved from one voting precinct to another. In Castle Dale, Ferron and Huntington you will need to register if you have moved from one side of the city to another.
You may register any working day at the Emery County Clerk/Auditor office now through Oct. 25. Voter ID cards are issued to confirm your registration. If you need a new card or have not received one, contact the Clerk/Auditor’s office at 381-5106.
You may also call to verify that you are registered and that your information is correct. Oct. 25 is the last day to register to vote in the November 2 General Election. That same proof will be required at the polling place on election day. (Utah code20A- 2-202(A)&(B).

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