Relief Society Birthday Dinner
Huntington First Ward will hold the Relief Society Birthday Dinner on April 8 at 6:30 p.m. There will be a program, and husbands are invited.
Democratic Convention
The Emery County Democrats will hold their county convention and dinner on April 7 beginning at 5:45 p.m. at the Huntington Senior Citizens Center (176 West 100 North in Huntington). All interested people are encouraged to attend. State and local party officer candidates will speak. Dinner, entertainment and prize drawing will also be provided. Tickets will be available at the door or contact your precinct chair or party officers: Duane Collard, FloAnn Wilson, or Kim Player.
Babe Ruth Baseball Sign Ups
Babe Ruth signups will be held April 6, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. at Emery County Rec Center, ages 13-15, Cost $65.00. Questions – call Mark Tanner 748-5522
Paint Out Winner at Museum of the San Rafael
Emery County artist Jo Baxter, of Green River, winner of the Western Paint Out held in conjunction with the Emery County fair last summer, was awarded a one woman show at the Museum of the San Rafael in Castle Dale. Her exhibit will be on display through April.
New Book About William Posey
Former Castle Dale resident Steve Lacy will soon release his new book, Posey, The Last Indian War. For more information contact Lacy, c/o Footprints from the Past Museum, 820 Jefferson, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101, or by phone at 801-359-2264.
Explore Health Careers
On June 13-15, high school students (grades 9-12) who are interested in pursuing a healthcare career can attend the Utah Center for Rural Health’s Health Career Exploration Camp. To request a registration packet call Carrie at 1-435-638-7449 or log on to the AHEC website at
Project ChildSafe
Project ChildSafe, sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation will be distributing free gun locks throughout Emery County. Locks will be distributed at county celebrations.
FCCBH Meets with EC Commissioners
Four Corners Community Behavioral Health Center will meet with the Emery County Commissioners on April 5 at 5 p.m. in the commission chambers at 75 East Main in Castle Dale to discuss concerns and needs of Emery County citizens in the area of mental health and substance abuse services. Everyone is encouraged to learn of services offered and to offer input on the needs for this area.
Buckhorn Archer 3-D Shoot
Buckhorn Archery Club’s 3-D shoot will be held on April 9 at the Little Bear Campground in Huntington Canyon, beginning at 10 a.m. For more information call Carl at 653-2417 or Randy at 384-3393.
Huntington Open Burn Period
Huntington City’s open burn period will be March 26-April 24. Burn permits are required, pick them up at city hall. Burning must be done between 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Cost to extinguish fires and fines may be imposed. Burning of vegetation that is incident to yard clean-up may be burned, no trash or garbage may be burned.
Cleveland Burn Window
Cleveland’s burn window is March 26-April 24. Cleveland Town requires everyone who plans a controlled burn to obtain a burn permit from the town hall, 653-2310 or from Greg Oliver 653-2809. This includes yard waste. No fee required for burn permit.
Aron Ralston to Speak in Emery County
Aron Ralston, the climber who lost an arm in a climbing incident in the San Rafael, will be at the Green River High School on April 25 at 9:30 a.m. He will then travel to the Emery High School auditorium for another appearance at 1:30 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and the Emery County School District. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Range Creek Comes to Museum of the San Rafael
The Utah Museum of Natural History’s traveling exhibit about Range Creek will be opened for display at the Museum of the San Rafael on April 7. That evening Duncan Metcalfe, Waldo Wilcox, and Derris Jones will be at the museum at 7 p.m. for introductions and questions.
EHS Drama Presentations
On April 7-9, the EHS drama department will host dinner theater at 6 p.m. each evening in the Little Theater. Thirty people per night may be accommodated and the entertainment is Murder at the Masquerade. On April 28-30, the drama department will perform the Man of LaMancha in the auditorium each night at 7 p.m.
Emery High Cheerleader Tryouts
Cheerleader tryouts will be held on April 4 in the Emery High old gymnasium at 6 p.m. where the participants will learn the dance. On April 6 the girls will check in between 4-4:30 p.m. They will learn the cheer between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Break from 5:30-6 p.m. and judging will begin at 6 p.m. sharp. Only the parents of the participants are allowed to watch tryouts. Girls should preregister and forms are available at Emery High, Canyon View Junior High and San Rafael Junior High. Deadline for registration forms is April 4 at 6 p.m. If you have any questions call Kisty Childs at 748-2741 or Melissa Allred at 653-2868.
USUs Engineering State Summer Program
Utah State University is giving high school students a glimpse of life as an engineer, June 6-9. The application deadline is April 1. Attendees participate in six challenge sessions, tour the Space Dynamics Laboratory and the university’s new engineering building, have opportunities to win prizes and apply for scholarships. There is an application fee that covers housing and all meals. Applicants must be a junior or senior in high school. For more information and an online application visit, or call Kathy at 435-797-2843.
County Girl’s Softball
Signups March 30. Castle Dale and Orangeville: Cottonwood Elementary, 4-6 p.m. Leslie Jensen 381-2215 or Paige Farnsworth 748-2881. Cleveland: 215 West Main, 4-6 p.m. Tina Oliver, 653-2809. Elmo: 205 East Main, 4-6 p.m. Ruschelle Mortensen, 653-2973. Ferron, Emery and Clawson: Ferron City Hall, 6-8 p.m. Charlene Freeman, 384-2337. Huntington and Lawrence: Huntington Elementary, 5-7 p.m. Kerri Sherman, 687-9569. No late signups.
EC Baseball Camp
Emery County boys and girls age 9 and up are encouraged to attend the baseball camp on April 1-2 at the Huntington ball complex. April 1 from 4 p.m. until dark for one on one training; April 2 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Professional players and high school coaches will conduct the training which includes pitching, hitting, infield and outfield training. Fee involved. Contact Shaun Bell for more information at 749-2237. Register at the baseball signups or the day of camp.
Art and Soup
The 17th annual Celebration of Art and Soup will be held March 30-31 at the Sheraton City Centre, 150 West 500 South, Salt Lake City. For more information call 1-801-233-6100.
Venus Art Exhibit
The artwork of Joseph S. Venus will be on display at the College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum Art Gallery, 155 East Main Street, Price, during April, May and June. An artist reception will be held April 1 from 7-9 p.m. in the Art Gallery at the museum.
Job Fair at SLCC
The public is welcome to attend the annual Salt Lake Community College job expo on April 6 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Lifetime Activities Center Arena on the Redwood Campus, 4600 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City. For more information call 1-801-957-4682.
Utah Humanities Council Road Scholar
Requesting a free speaker from the Utah Humanities Council is easy. Log on to at least one month prior to the proposed event and complete the request form. Following the program, an evaluation must be filled out. .
4-H Photos
A fund raising project will be family photos sponsored by 4-H. The photos will be taken April 1-3 at the county building, 75 East Main Street in Castle Dale, Room 218. The 4-H youth need your support. For more information call the Extension Office at 381-2381.
Photos Needed
Researchers are seeking old photographs from private collections that were taken in the Dixie National Forest and surrounding areas. It is preferred that the photos were taken prior to 1930, and those taken during the late 1800s are even better. Call the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands at 1-435-586-4408 or Utah State University at 1-435-586-8132.
Fairfield Schoolhouse
Camp Floyd State Park Manager Mark Trotter is searching for former Fairfield Schoolhouse students and teachers, who will be recognized at a public open house on April 16. He is also seeking photographs of Fairfield Schoolhouse. Former students, and teachers for an exhibit to be displayed at the open house. For more information contact Mark Trotter at 1-801-768-8932 or via email at
Scholarships Available to High School Seniors
Each year, several $1000 scholarships are awarded to Utah high school seniors by the Utah Association of Independent Insurance Agents (UAIIA) and the Utah Chapter of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU). All majors will be considered, but preference will be given to business and insurance students. Financial needs will also be considered. Scholarship applications can be downloaded from and must be received at the UAIIA offices in Salt Lake City no later than March 31.
AA and NA Meetings
AA and NA meetings will be held at the Emery County Recreation Center, 75 South 400 East, Castle Dale. AA will be Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30 p.m. NA meetings will be Thursday nights from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Pioneer Museum Hours
New hours for the Pioneer Museum are 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and Saturday noon-4 p.m. Share your pioneer heritage with family and friends.
Crafters Wanted
The Castle Country Spring Festival will be held April 29-30. If you would like to participate in this, call Gay Lee at 381-2108 or 381-2850 or Debbie at 472-9570.
Emery County Youth Leadership Councils
Emery County Youth Leadership councils are sponsoring a food drive and humanitarian drive to help the Utah Food Bank fill the shelves back up and help those victims of disasters with clothes. This is where we need you. Bring your food items to your city hall or to your elementary school and there you will find a box to drop off your items. This is a service project for our youth leadership conference to be held April 16. We are trying to see which city can collect the most of these items so ready…set…bring on the drive. Help your YCC be the best. This drive will run until April 16. We are hoping to have so much food that the Utah Food Bank has to bring down big trucks to take it back and also that the news stations will have to come to Emery County for our great deed. Give a little…help a little…we need you.
Volunteer to Help with Miss Emery Pageant
Anyone interested in helping with the Miss Emery Pageant are encouraged to call Sabrina at 687-2642 or Patsy at 381-2431. Volunteers are needed in the following areas: production, preparation, luncheon, advertising and decorations.
Miss Emery Pageant
Those young women interested in trying out for the Miss Emery Pageant should call Sabrina at 687-2642 or Patsy at 381-2431. You must be between 17-24 years old and be a high school graduate.
Relay for Life
Relay for Life is now recruiting teams. If you would like to have a team in the 2005 Relay for Life, contact Barbara Moore at 384-2261. Also, if you are a cancer survivor we need your address to update our information mailing list, contact Cathy Sitterud at 381-5647. Volunteers to assist in preparation and the night of the Relay for Life walk are badly needed. For more information or to volunteer call Barbara Moore at 384-2261.
New Emery County Archives Hours
Emery County Archives now has new hours. The new hours are noon-5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you need assistance other than those hours, call Shirley Spears, at 381-2671 and leave a message or contact her at 650-4787. The Archives is now under the supervision of the Emery County Recorder and a message may be left at that office at 381-2414.
Help for Addictions
Drug addictions can leave an individual feeling helpless and out of control, especially if you are the family member or friend of an addict. Narconon Arrowhead can help. Narconon offers free counseling, assessments and referrals to rehabilitation centers nationwide by calling 1-800-468-6933 or logging onto Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call Narconon now.
Soldier Seeking Baseball Equipment
A Utah mother, whose son is stationed in Kuwait, is asking for baseball equipment donations. For more information contact SLCC Athletic Director Andrew Wallace at 801-957-4031.