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County Democrats hold convention



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A Cleveland woman was injured in a one car accident on SR-155, north of Cleveland on April 27. Deputy Paul Simmons was in the area taking a report on some youth who had hit a dog near where the woman had gone off the road. He decided to look along the roadway for the dog and possibly notify its owners. He was searching the area, spotlighting and looking for the dog when he saw the faint glow of a light coming from the canal area. It was approximately 11 p.m. at this time. Further investigation by Deputy Simmons resulted in his seeing a vehicle in the canal. He called into dispatch to see if an accident had been reported and there wasn’t any report of an accident.
Deputy Simmons went down into the canal and he saw a leg hanging out of the open door of the vehicle. He immediately summoned help to the scene. He removed the woman from the vehicle. She had sustained severe head injuries. The Bronco going into the canal had acted as a dam for the water and the woman was in danger of slipping out of the vehicle and drowning. She was hanging onto the vehicle to avoid being swept away. She reported that many vehicles had passed by, but no one had stopped or saw her go off the road. The woman was suffering from apparent hypothermia from being exposed to the cold ditch water for nearly an hour before Deputy Simmons happened by.
The woman was transported to Castleview Hospital in Price.

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